Resort owner’s comments in the Messenger

  • EyeSlayer1
    Posts: 55

    I’m sure many of you have read this already, but for those who haven’t, you should. I’m only posting this to create awareness as we all have a choice of where to spend our money. I’ve posted a few cliff’s notes, but please read the article for yourself.

    “those people who come up and use the public accesses buy their bait in the Cities, buy their gas in the Cities, take OUR fish and go home without spending a dime here.”

    “There shouldn’t be any free access to the lake. The guys using the public access are not the guys paying real estate taxes here. You are making it really easy for them and make it really hard for us to make a business. We need to keep the fishing prostitutes away from public access.”

    North Metro
    Posts: 539

    So everyone is aware this was said by Terry from Terrys Boat Harbor!! I will be sure NEVER to give him MY $$$$$$$

    North Metro
    Posts: 539

    Give a big to George at Hunters Point Resort! He said its been good buisness, thats a honorable man. Not a greedy pig like these other resort owners talking crazy like charging at public accesees. Thanks for being honest George, beers on me next time I am up!

    Bob Carlson
    Mille Lacs Lake (eastside), Mn.
    Posts: 2936

    Thats Terry for ya!!! not a very good comment to make in a public meeting.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22932

    Wow, excellant business decision to make that prostitute comment…. Is he trying to get rich off leeches & access alone ? Must be real bright….

    big g

    Ramsey, Mn
    Posts: 113

    Terry has been called a lot of things; Bright will never be one of them!

    I’ll stay on the SE side.

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    Sounds like something Terry would say. Is this guy ever sober?


    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13394

    What stinks is that Terry has a very good access located in a good area on that side of the lake. That guy must have a spoon up his back side right along with his head.

    Some of those resort owners just dont get it about customers coming up fishing. I would be taking a good look at my own business if I knew people where driving past my resort and deep harbor landing to use a run down, very shallow, no harbor, public landing with little to no amenities included with it.

    Then there are other resorts that I would drive 10 miles past a free landing just to use there services.

    Posts: 3681

    Terry,s 320-692-4430…

    koldfront kraig
    Coon Rapids mn
    Posts: 1830

    We used Terrys to launch quite a bit the last couple of years in the fall.

    Not any more.

    Screw him.

    That resort has to be the biggest crap hole on the lake.

    Minnetrista, MN
    Posts: 95


    What stinks is that Terry has a very good access located in a good area on that side of the lake. That guy must have a spoon up his back side right along with his head.

    Some of those resort owners just dont get it about customers coming up fishing. I would be taking a good look at my own business if I knew people where driving past my resort and deep harbor landing to use a run down, very shallow, no harbor, public landing with little to no amenities included with it.
    Then there are other resorts that I would drive 10 miles past a free landing just to use there services.

    My thoughts exactly! I was outraged when I read those comments in the Outdoor News and I won’t have to be reminded to avoid that specific west side business. Oh, and if Terry owns the fish in Mille Lacs, does that mean I own the Mall of America?

    Crosby, MN
    Posts: 3137

    Just plain stupid. I agree with Mike. If you provide a great service people will pay. I could launch for free 90% of the time on pool 4. I don’t because of all the great extras you get when you launch at Evert’s.


    Lino Lakes, MN
    Posts: 1380

    I don’t know about you guys but I’ve ran into quite a few resort owners on Mille Lacs that have this kind of attitude.

    They can be jerks (and in many cases more than just jerks) because people are coming to the lake for the lake, not them.

    Posts: 3681

    Drewsdad,I sure hope when your fishing pool 4 your leaving MY fish alone

    Posts: 245

    wont be using that access again. actually when i drove by his access the last few times, there was hardly anyone using it, makes sense now, BAD IDEA for mr. terry

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    I can’t understand what Terry’s beef is anyway or why he is even invited there to comment. He does not run a “Resort”. He runs a harbor. Makes his money selling slips and launch fees. He also runs a fishing charter boat. Resort – no! Only place on the lake with a big beer sign hanging over the door but doesn’t sell beer at his bar. Oh yea, the boys will be drinkin’, not selling. And if you are an unlucky “City Boy” like me who mistakenly stop in for a cold one, well…. Don’t let the door hit you in the a$$ on the way out.

    Terry, instead of whining about not making money, look in the mirror first. You have a lot of work to do.


    Posts: 55

    In my experience, this is not a representative opinion of business owners around the lake. There are many other businesses on the lake who are well aware and appreciative of their customers. My sole purpose of posting this was to make everyone aware that not all of the business owners appreciate “city folk.”

    I’m pretty sure he was at this meeting to voice his concern over the new slot and the possible economic effects on his business. It’s ironic that by opening his mouth, he very likely hurt his business much more than any slot could have.

    I’m on the lake and have used his launch service many times. I never will again.

    Posts: 3

    Go to his website and write an email to him under contact Terry. I have been there a few times simply because of location and the guy is always rude and it appears that he is doing a favor by allowing me to pay him to launch. Terry and the Griz are very unfriendly with poor customer service!! George on the other hand has always treated me nicely.

    Sartell, MN
    Posts: 317

    Hey, anybody want to go fishing on Mile Lacs next week with me, I thought I would launch out of Terry’s

    Champlin, MN
    Posts: 2097


    I have been there a few times simply because of location and the guy is always rude and it appears that he is doing a favor by allowing me to pay him to launch. Terry and the Griz are very unfriendly with poor customer service!!

    You took the words right from my mouth!!!

    The dude is as gentle as a bull in a china shop.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13394

    Dont like it but most likely this fall you will see my rig parked at Terrys a few times. Is there a better option going for fishing St albins and the surrounding area. I cringed ever time I handed them my money last fall and will do so again this year. Had a small run in with the launch drive there last year in the harbor. After that I just kept telling myself “keep your mouth shut. You need the landing”.

    Yes I do think there are other resort owners around the lake that run there business like this. There are many more that dont. Maybe I will just get lucky this fall and have many more nights with the wind out of the east or north.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    I have to agree with ya Mike.


    “keep your mouth shut. You need the landing”.

    I agree with that also.

    However, MyrMar, might be getting more of my Fall business now.

    I do agree with whoever said to put a hold on anymore new Public Launches. I think they have plenty and just need to improve the ones they already have, by making breakwall or channels to get out of them. Now is the time to do it when the water is low.

    Minnetrista, MN
    Posts: 95

    That’s where I differ. If I have a run in like that with any place taking MY money, I’d sooner launch in Lake Onamia with a canoe and have to paddle up river on to Mille Lacs than send more money that way.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13394

    After reading Pauls comments on this I cant believe this is Aitkin counties view on this issue. What are they going to do next start filling in road approaches to cabins?

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    I like these two comments. Just shows if you work hard, take care of your people they will continue to do business with you regardless of the slot.

    “I think we all know the fishing has been excellent and business has been good,” George Nitti, of Hunters Point said. “

    Barry Hines, Izatys marine manager was unable to attend the meeting, but called the Messenger. “We need the tourists – all of them,” Hines said. Our numbers are up for May, June and July and we are booking into Aug. We haven’t lost any launch trips since the slot change. Of course people want to catch fish, but our customers are still happy. It has a lot to do with customer service.”


    Crosby, MN
    Posts: 3137


    Drewsdad,I sure hope when your fishing pool 4 your leaving MY fish alone

    Hey Stuart! I realy, realy, try hard not to catch sheephead; but sometimes it happens. When it does I let them go real fast. I hope you’re not too mad at me.


    South end
    Posts: 745

    There may be people at Izatys who fish but it is not a fishing resort.
    All you need to do is boat in there on a hot sunny Sat, tie up to the dock, go up to the bar on the 2nd floor, take a seat by the window, and look down at the people around the pool.
    Terry is Terry. I’ve now evolved to where after my dock is out and I can’t launch from Fredrickson’s, it is time to park the boat.

    Posts: 3681



    Drewsdad,I sure hope when your fishing pool 4 your leaving MY fish alone

    Hey Stuart! I realy, realy, try hard not to catch sheephead; but sometimes it happens. When it does I let them go real fast. I hope you’re not too mad at me.


    Not mad at all as long as you city guys buy your gas,bait,lunch,and fishing gear in my town.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Schnauzer, I would normally agree with you. However, I have been bitten by this BUG called the Fall Mille Lacs bite and depending on wind and my boat, this is the only access available to me to fish the prime areas on some evenings.

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