Eyeslayer, You are right I forgot these facts, quote from:
Buffalo Tales: The Near-Extermination of the American Bison
Shepard Krech III, Brown University
©National Humanities Center:
“When the average American thinks about the dramatic decline in bison populations the image that pops to mind is likely the scene from the motion picture Dances With Wolves in which native Americans look over a hillside covered in slaughtered buffalo. In this movie the message is clear, the bison population declined due to uncontrolled hide hunting by white America while the horse riding native of the plains only took what was needed to survive. The image presented by the motion picture industry is reinforced in the mind of the average American in grade school, where history books teach that the bison disappeared due to over-hunting. However the written reports from the first settlers differed greatly.”
“The most efficient technique was what Crow Indians called “driving buffalo over embankments,” which involved enticing and leading buffaloes to the edges of cliffs or bluffs up to seventy feet high, then driving them over to instant death or a broken back or leg or other crippling incapacity, ended by a thrust from a lance or blow from a stone maul. This hunt involved an entire society: the “chaser” or “runner,” who possessed special skills and knowledge, led animals he had found toward the precipice, where other people, hidden behind trees or rock piles, waved blankets and shouted the animals onward to their doom at the base of the cliff. Yet others waited to kill, butcher, and transform buffaloes into useful products. These communal techniques were tightly controlled by leaders and societies whose duties were to police the hunt, preventing any single man from premature action that might spoil the attempt to obtain such an important resource for all.
The average mature bison weighed some 700-800 pounds and yielded 225-400 pounds of meat, and communal hunts resulting in the deaths of dozens or hundreds of animals (30, 60, 100, and even 600, 800, and 1000 were reported killed) produced fantastic quantities of meat: 50 cows, for example, yielded 11,000-20,000 pounds of usable meat. Many European observers were struck by gourmandizing as well as by what struck them as subsequent “profligacy” or “indolence.” At times, Indians used everything. But on occasions they did not, and the observers remarked upon “putrified carcasses,” animals left untouched, or Indians who took only “the best parts of the meat.” Sometimes Indians were said to kill “whole herds” only for the fat-filled tongues.”
All I’m saying is the netting needs to be more closely regulated, just as the taking of multiple limits or over limits by some needs to be prosecuted, and if fines are not stopping this behavior (which it often does not) the next step should be jail.
Now if you could please answer my questions?