5/17 big pond update

  • Slam
    Posts: 42

    Started out very cold but found 23″ – 28 1/2″ very hungry eyes in 17.2-17.8 FOW.We fished from 7am-5pm total slot fish kept (5)threw back a couple 13 1/2″.All slot fish came from 22 FOW

    try’n to keep count as we went along.31 total eyes boated and most of those were 23″-24 1/2″ one just broke 28″ another hit a solid 28 1/2″

    Green was the hot hook with the the largest leeches 6′ snell

    We fished several areas.Same results 17 FOW active non slot eyes.South end all day.Most fish came from west of Izaty’s about a mile down the shore line and about 200 yards east of the point

    Taste of what we had

    Jack Naylor
    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 5668

    Great Day on the water…
    What was the water temps, just curious..
    thanks, Jack.

    Posts: 42

    water temp was 51 early morning main lake.Late afternoon i was in wahkon bay i think it was 54 air temp hmmmm a lot colder then 51

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