Casting Permit

  • craig daugherty
    Osseo, Mn
    Posts: 689

    As we approach the Fishing Opener, I’ll be fishing with a couple of buddies that like to “cast” over into your line of water, or the spot where you just lost a fish. How many times does this happen? Every time out. What do you do? Cut the line or cast right over their line?

    koldfront kraig
    Coon Rapids mn
    Posts: 1820

    If it’s the same boat some verbal abuse and belittling in front of peers are permitted.

    Otherwise a stern look with a headshake.

    Posts: 405

    My cousin does this too even worse when we fished tournaments . Just quit fishing with them worked for me

    Posts: 2014

    “accidently” move out of thier way an”d knock them in the water?
    you can just try to lose less fish?
    Bring a little rubber dingy and anyone who cant fish like an adult get’s to fish in the kid’s boat.

    Posts: 28

    Me, I don’t care, if I lose a fish, cast away at it, my lure isn’t there anymore and I’ld like to see you get it if I missed and it’ll bite again. I’m gonna cast at yours if it gets off your hook, sorry, I like to see everyone in the boat catch fish, but then I don’t compete with others in my boat. Well, maybe a buck or two now and then.

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