Like Tuck, my second favorite period would be at night on the Oct. full moon. I caught a 42″ piggy one night. It ate a black bucktail/silver willow blade Windels Harrasser on the “L” turn. I rarely measure the weight even on my Berkely Digital scale, but I did for some reason. I never got a girth measurement because she ate the damn bucktail so deep that it took me forever to get the hooks cut from her. Now she should have weight about 20#, but the digital said over forty. I weighed the net (about 7#) and could never feel comfortable with the wieght. According to the scale which measured accurately the next day with a 25# sack of grass seed in it. To this day, I still don’t think the fish was over 30#, but ya never know.
Oh well a great memory, she swam around the boat and bumped her snout into the other side, I caught her and worked her for a while again and she swam off deeply the second time. I hope she made it. Her head, the bucktail in that turn at boat side and her head eating that thing. She got me a little wet also.
I am trying to get into the cisco spawn a little later by catching the ciscoes and using them for bait on a quick strike rigs. I finally got my partner excited about trying that, so hopefully it will become a new favorite time for putting piggies in the boat!!!