Best 10 day period to catch a muskie?

  • KellyW
    Posts: 44

    My brother and I fish ML a lot for walleye and smallmouth, but we have never targeted Muskies (occasionally catching them in fall with cranks). This year we have talked about the fantastic reputation of the lake, and possibly spending 1 full week targeting Muskies only. So, my question to you hard-core Muskie guys is: If you had one 10 day period to fish ML to catch a Muskie, which month and possibly dates would you target? Thanks for the help!


    Minocqua, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3842

    Not ever having fished one of the meccas and hoping to soon, in my experience one of my favorite times is the new moon period in either late August or September. Not that I don’t like fishing during the day or at other times of the year, but my job gets in the way. This is one of the best night bite patterns that I can get on here in northern WI. Still not too cold or too warm, bugs are starting to dissapate, leaves are still on the trees, big fish on the move, etc. Great northern light shows. Less people on the lakes. It don’t get no better than that.


    cassville ,wis
    Posts: 3051

    mbenson is right,Sept can be fantastic for good fish and numbers but if I had my way (and the vaca time)late fall for monsters, I’m talkin all of the leaves off the trees late fall-last of Oct. first few weeks of Nov.

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    Two times I have had the best luck were at night, the week after the full moons in Sept and Oct.

    Minocqua, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3842

    Like Tuck, my second favorite period would be at night on the Oct. full moon. I caught a 42″ piggy one night. It ate a black bucktail/silver willow blade Windels Harrasser on the “L” turn. I rarely measure the weight even on my Berkely Digital scale, but I did for some reason. I never got a girth measurement because she ate the damn bucktail so deep that it took me forever to get the hooks cut from her. Now she should have weight about 20#, but the digital said over forty. I weighed the net (about 7#) and could never feel comfortable with the wieght. According to the scale which measured accurately the next day with a 25# sack of grass seed in it. To this day, I still don’t think the fish was over 30#, but ya never know.

    Oh well a great memory, she swam around the boat and bumped her snout into the other side, I caught her and worked her for a while again and she swam off deeply the second time. I hope she made it. Her head, the bucktail in that turn at boat side and her head eating that thing. She got me a little wet also.

    I am trying to get into the cisco spawn a little later by catching the ciscoes and using them for bait on a quick strike rigs. I finally got my partner excited about trying that, so hopefully it will become a new favorite time for putting piggies in the boat!!!


    Posts: 44

    Thanks for the information guys. I am psyched to get after ’em this year!

    Bob Bowman
    Posts: 3550

    If I had only 10 days to fish the Pond, it would be the last 5 days of October and the 1st 5 days of November. With big hopes that I hit the Cisco/Tullie migration correct Those basin fish are only up for a short period of time……..

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