Thank God it wasnt the two still standing. Those two Bobber planted at seedlings..
May 6, 2007 at 11:25 pm
IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » Minnesota Lakes & Rivers » Mille Lacs Lake » Big “D” Classic
Thank God it wasnt the two still standing. Those two Bobber planted at seedlings..
I hear Josh was going to try out his new chainsaw on it.
Anybody want any cedar? Looks like the rest will have to come down next weekend.
Tuck, unfortunately I didn’t get to use the new saw
I spent too much time running around looking at lake accesses and cleaning out the cabin and fish house for next weekend. If we get a couple saws cutting on it next weekend it shouldn’t take too long to cut up!!!
How was Crappie fishing today. Are we going to have some fresh fish for the fry next weekend.
Six sunfish, and no crappies.
I will have to go up this week then, and get it off the road.
Tuck, I wouldn’t worry so much about the tree. I would be wondering who put that big gash into the side of the Blue G3 sitting in your yard..
JK.. Tuck
Stacie and I did stop and take a look at her yesterday! Kind of hard to miss it.
No doubt, I am heading up friday morning… should be there about 11:00…
big g
G, I’ll meet you under D’s Circus tent around noon or so on friday
Man I can hardly contain myself
D can you email me the event flyer? I gotta keep up on the rules and regulations. I think I had 2 filets with freezer burn last year that cost Team Honky Tonk a 3lb deduct.
I gotta keep up on the rules and regulations. I think I had 2 filets with freezer burn last year that cost Team Honky Tonk a 3lb deduct.
Yeah, because you guys tried to register them as just being caught.
Updated 7 day weather:
Saturday (24 hours): Few showers. Highs in the mid 60s and lows in the mid 40s.
Sunday (24 hours): Few showers. Highs in the upper 60s and lows in the low 40s.
Updated 7 day weather:
Saturday (24 hours): Few showers. Highs in the mid 60s and lows in the mid 40s.
Sunday (24 hours): Few showers. Highs in the upper 60s and lows in the low 40s.
Quit Screwing with the good Karma!! Every time someone( Bob ) posts the forecast it gets worse.
One final tomorrow and its driving me crazy I may need to shut the computer off to get something done. I don’t know how you ol’ goats get paid at work.
oh and Tuckner,……..Bring a pencil and pad this weekend
We work smarter, not harder. We just hire guys with 10 years of college to do the grunt work.
Pencil for what? You want my autograph when we take home the trophy again?
I’m sorry,……did I say pencil and paper?,……..I meant pen and check book,…….better yet,…..just bring your green backs,….that way I don’t have to explain Christopher Tuckner to the IRS
We won’t be seeing Team Funky Drunk in any winner’s circle anytime soon.
I think my Hamilton will be safe.
Did you forget Kooty’s coming too?……..Safe and Kooty go together like tequilla and Guiness.
Hamilton will be safe.
We’re talking straight up Andrew Jacksons. yeah yeah, a coupla jacksons and a case of bullets please
Look closely.
Very closely!
There. Now you know what the Big D Trophy looks like. That is about as close as you and Kooty will get to it!
blah blah blah, yackety schmackety *roll eyes*
I can’t help it you’re older than the tree that fell over in your yard. I count 5 wins in 13 years that puts you at 38%. So after I win this year that puts my batting average at 50% and yours at 36%. I’ve the perfect spot for the trophy picked out,……Kooty’s place
After this year….I’ll only be 2 wins away from you Tuck!!
Yep and after this year my wallet will be another $20 lighter
Bob too Schrumy, don’t believe his dilusions.
He is fishing with Koonce.
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