Any roads still open??

  • ole1855
    Posts: 24

    I was just wondering if anyone on the west side has any roads still open for some perch fishing this weekend??

    Posts: 24

    Thanks, I appreciate the quick response, I can’t decide if I want to hit Terry’s or Lyback’s.

    Posts: 24

    you can go to lybaks website and see, I know they are as I was just up there and heading back up soon.

    Calvin Svihel
    Northwest Metro, MN
    Posts: 3862

    Hunters has roads out to the mud!!!!

    Posts: 38

    I talked to a buddy this evening (Thurs) who is up on the NW west side. He said Terry’s Harbor (St Albans Bay) has wide plowed roads out to several good spots including deep rocks on Seguichi point, Sherman’s point, Sherman’s mud flat & fingers, Rockpile Flat, Brown’s Point, 7 Mi Flat, and some other spots I didn’t catch. He said the perch are hitting on the deep rocks.

    Posts: 24

    Thanks guy’s I appreciate the responses.

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