Okay…………with the big Wave Wacker tourney going on, “Bobber” Bob Carlson said I could make a report because I was a) there and b) not in the tourney so it wouldn’t break any rules. Well…………I didn’t think I should……….because I don’t have all the spots names mesmorized very well, but I thought I could recap my day with Bobber.
The sun was just up so I drug the man out his comotose utopia and poured him into a cup of coffee,
errr….I mean, we had a cup of coffee and began our day’s adventure……………to Hooks place! There wasn’t any walleyes to be found here but I found Tuck hangin’ out for breakfast and thought I should keep him company……….plate and all!! Met some great folks while I was there too……… There was sharp older gent named John who’s got stories to entertain anyone with ears.
He entertained us by outfishing the snot out of Hooks!
A guy named Mike stopped by with a really cool looking Warrior rig………….I listened hard cuz he really sounded like he knew more than the other guys.
And then, this sharp young man comes in and grabs up more bread than a hungry St. Croix Carp! At first I thought that maybe he had issues with Hooks’ cooking but then realized we were rather unexpected and that he only skipped the regular breakfast so there’d be enough for the rest of us. That Josh…………..he’s a great kid Tim!!! Without that contribution we couldn’t have had seconds………or thirds either!
Anyway, the mission was fish, and as stated earlier, there was none at Hooks’ place so Bob and I zooked out for another spot.
He took me to ummm…….a mud flat……..stacked like a Lego Pyramid ………… on one of those 7, 8, or 9 mile spots, I couldn’t be sure. Water was just above 60 degrees if I recall and the wind was giving a decent chop. Bob no sooner got himself set up and fishing when I happened to look over the boat and I saw the weirdest orange colored stuff floating on the water! Must have been some way of marking the hot spot because just then, Bobber took to fighting it out with a 27 incher that had a head like a Bulldog! He won the battle with minimal scars and we managed to return it safely. Bob, can you post that pic Bob?
Alright! Let the fishing begin……………….just as soon as we help out a buddy. Seems Mike had a little motor difficulty so Bob decided to see if he could help him while I located a set of regulations to validate the use of chum for walleye fishing. If it’s not legal, I wouldn’t want to be caught in that area fishing!!!
Back out on the water, we didn’t venture out too far………just a couple miles out where Tuck was vigorously tracking and attacking some ‘eyes. The wind had lightened up and changed direction but Bob still managed a 23″ and 24″ speciman before they all disappeared. Have you got those pic’s too Bob? Can you post those here too?
We tried a few other spots but weren’t marking fish…………..so we just checked in with Hooks to see if John was still outfishing the snot out of him! We went back to where Bob got his 27″er but couldn’t repeat the feat.
There was fish stacked all along the edges of each drop but they weren’t hungry or aggressive.
We headed for the hacienda about 4pm and there I met this angel of a person named Cathy (Kathy?) who put together a fantastic dinner with all the fixin’s! It was awesome! StillaPup turned into “StillaPig”……………know what I’m sayin’? However, she swings a better golf club than I do so I think Bob and I should restrict our purpose to fishing and food!
We managed to get Tuck out for some evening smallie chasing but we just couldn’t get into it and decided to play with a hungry muskie instead. Those crazy things will eat anything!!! Well, Bob didn’t appreciate us feeding it HIS tackle box and threatened to feed us to it if we didn’t get some smallies and put some BFT lures on the productivity map. He posted those pic’s already so we obviously succeeded.
We fished until dark and headed back to the homestead. I tell you, the action was there and the day was packed with it from start to finish! In fact, it wore me right out! So much in fact that I could only crawl ONto bed and . Don’t believe me? Show’em why you won a dollar Bob!
All in all, what a great day with a great bunch of guys! I can only hope they’ll let me come back again someday and “create” a new adventure to share here on EFN!!!
Special thanks goes to Hooks, Tuck, John, Josh, and Mike for playing a part in it all and an extra special thanks to Bob and Cathy (Kathy?) for generously opening up their house and home for an unforgetable stay!