If I had a dollar for every ten walleyes I saw that didn’t bite I’d….oh well, probably be still still sittin’ here answering your post with a much bigger bank account to buy minnows with.
One key thing is to have the bait at the SAME eye level of the fish. NOT 1-10 inches higher or lower. EXACT eye level.
I haven’t been playing with any deep fish so I can’t say if it was your fault or the fishes fault. Most likely both. Some fishy areas will have a higher percentage of biters in them than others.
My shallow bite has been, even in the cold fronts this year( the past week as well), averaging about 30-40 percent biters with a couple of sessions being 100 percent and some being 4 for 6 or the like. (7 for 7 one session was the biggest number) And some sessions have been 1 for 9–0 for 5 and the like. It will drive you nuts! My “sessions” are 1.5 hours at dusk or dawn.
One fish comes in and snaps at a continous hard jerking/dancing of the spoon, the next one gets scared of that. The next one lurks and swings around four times before hitting…or not. Go figure!
When you figure it out…let us know.