Rockman’s Report/Please listen

  • jon_jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    There is a big difference between being scammed over the phone and identity theft.


    St Francis, MN
    Posts: 2100

    Once they have your information… including bank account or SSN… whatever they want to get from you over the phone or via email… how hard would it be for them to open up a credit card account with your name? Credit Card apps all require a SSN… some also require a valid bank account number. As far as I understand… that would then be considered identity theft… would it not?

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    I am saying you have very little to fear putting your real name in your profile here or using your real name as your user name.

    One thing you can do is put your name and phone number in your signiture and post your signiture when you feel it is appropriate.


    Once they have your information… including bank account or SSN

    Why would anyone give out that information via phone or internet?

    St Francis, MN
    Posts: 2100


    Why would anyone give out that information via phone or internet?

    The elderly have been targeted for years. I know a few “blondes” that might fall for it as well.

    Hey… before you go all off… When I have hair… I am blonde as well.

    Annandale Mn.
    Posts: 1260

    Well my credit is screwed due to identity theft, and when I applied for my permit to carry I was denied cause I beat a girl up and pleaded guilty to the charge two months before applying for my permit.
    Now I was working in the SPO, Security Police Office of Minnetonka not long before this charge came about, I was shocked! I ran right down to my local county law enforcement with questions and wanting answers. Turns out the guy that stole my identity also has a problem with wanting to feel like a man beating up girls. To top it all off he not only stole my identity,Beat a girl up but stood in front of a judge as me, and got away with it! Thank goodness for mug shots. Got my permit but does nothing for my credit he has disrupted! And to top it all off he was’nt even my race nor was he a legal immigrant in the U.S. And still today he is out wandering the streets using my name etc.
    I will stick to what I was told by the Law enforcement classes I have attended which stated “YOU SHOULD NOT USE,OR GIVE OUT ANY PERSONAL INFORMATION VIA THE INTERNET” this included names,addresses,phone numbers. If the criminals choose other paths to take to get the info atleast you yourself can feel the comfort of not giving out the info and hopefully the places that gave out the info will have a ICQ number,photo,finger print or some other way to show proof of identity of the person obtaining the information. Alot of banks today now require a finger print to cash a check..

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    Did you ever figure out how your private information was compromised?


    Albertville MN
    Posts: 2019

    ummm,….So the ice on Mille Lacs is pretty good today

    Annandale Mn.
    Posts: 1260

    In fact I did just home out of Fort Sam Houston Texas Got my wallet lifted, drivers license,military I.D.,S.S. card everything they needed to take my identity and run with it. But have sat in classes since trying to figure out how to clean it up and keep it clean, and as mentioned above some of the first things they say is not giving out private info via the internet. Then they showed us how the Criminals can take your info and transfer it to there use. Also they mentioned sites as this with post boards on how many people browse them abosorb the info and use it to there advantage. They also showed us how someone can take your name Jon Doe your address 12345 sunfish Ln. Lake City, Mn. 12345 and go transfer your mail from your house to there P.O. box in thus giving them the opportunity to recieve your bills credit card apps with the more important information needed to take there next step. Info on bills such as birthdates,S.S. #’s, Not all companies have opted the use of only the last 4 digits of the S.S #’s yet. And the big one is when they get ahold of your Bank account statements and decide whether you are a good target for them to make some money thus you becoming a victim.
    So I understand why people on here choose a nickname over there real names. I was amazed at how many use there names on this site. And I hope that nobody on here has to go thru the things I have had to,or others on here may have had to,do to a little to much information being given out and making it that much easier for people to sit at home in front of there P.C’s and use your information to there advantage..

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    OK… so this is off the fishing topic but it might keep someone from getting scammed so I’ll post it.

    You might want to use a credit reporting service.

    Any time someone adds ANYTHING to your credit report… you get notified. If a new account is opened. If someone pulls a credit report… you get an email immediately. It costs a little money but it will keep you aware of what is going on behind the scenes in regards to your credit accounts and who is accessing your info. This type of service won’t guarantee that you’ll never have your identity compromised but it will ensure that you’re able to stop the activity immediately should someone ever obtain your info and try to do anything with it.

    There’s a bunch of similar services available at different price points offering a variety of services. A little digging around and you should be able to find one that’s right for you if you’re interested.

    Posts: 3221

    Good one Matt! (if that is your real name)

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    I can understand your concern. However, I see no problem providing the exact information that is in the phone book. Steve Fellegy was simply arguing that providing your real name makes your postings more relevant.


    They also showed us how someone can take your name Jon Doe your address 12345 sunfish Ln. Lake City, Mn. 12345 and go transfer your mail from your house to there P.O. box in thus giving them the opportunity to recieve your bills credit card apps with the more important information needed to take there next step.

    The post office has implemented proceedures to prevent that from happening here in Minnesota. Not sure how it works elswhere.


    Annandale Mn.
    Posts: 1260

    I was not rebelling against anyone on here I was just trying to justify some of the reasons people use nicks instead of names. Some of these people have probably takin or talked to someone that has taken these classes. As to relevancy I do not understand what the difference would be between someone using there name verses a nick as long as the story or report helps keep them coming..
    James~ thanks for the info already on that but to late to repair damage done. But hope it helps others as well..

    St Francis, MN
    Posts: 2100


    ummm,….So the ice on Mille Lacs is pretty good today

    Matt, that is Off Topic for this……. er… uh… nevermind

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1396

    It is a little silly that you have to pay to keep your phone number OUT of the public phone directory.


    Posts: 17

    Two things.

    Jon, I do apologize that the Messenger deemed it necessary to call out your name when they printed my letter to the editor. It was not included in the letter I faxed to them. I can fax a copy to you directly if you like. Please confirm this, if you like, with Kevin Anderson at the Messenger. 320 676 3123.

    Second. No vehicle went through at Mac’s Twin Bay. The person in the area who recovers vehicles on the lake is JIM STARICHA, 320 676 3718. Confirm this fact with him. NOTHING went in here. Many folks confuse McQuoid’s Inn with Mac’s Twin Bay because Kevin’s parents used to own it. Could it be that a vehicle went in there? I truly do not know.

    Jon, I think you and I are on the same page in many respects. We really are careful on the ice. Until only 6 days ago, we were only out about a mile. Then we went to Hennepin (3 miles out). We are now considering going to the gravel (5 miles out). Many resorts do push it. Many resorts have tougher ice conditions than we do. We are fortunate to typically have good ice inside of Hawkbill.

    Again, I apologize that this has gotten blown up. I did not call you out specifically. I am sure you do the best you can from your resort, as do we.

    Best of luck.

    Annandale Mn.
    Posts: 1260

    Now that is truely sportsman like. Karen thanks for adding your input and stepping up with an apology, there is nothing more respectful then someone standing behind there steps taken and mistakes made. Now as for an editor to throw in a few extra words or names that is the way alot of them do business and they stand/hide behind the freedom of speech/The Press, You have done a very noble thing here straightening out this tangle of twine..
    No one resort can handle the entire volume of business this lake can recieve. We need all resorts being honest with us,each other and just trying to make the best of what mother nature gives us…
    May the rest of the season be in all of our favors with the least amount of accidents caused by bad judgement or plain out just not listening/being careful..

    Crosby MN
    Posts: 613

    That sounds like the McQuid’s I know. Both resort’s do a bang up job.This is great to get cleared up,lets all be safe and most of all RESPECT our fellow sportsman . If you want to pull donuts on the ice go miles away from people that want to fish ECT.

    Sartell, MN
    Posts: 317

    So, hey dere Matt, I hear da ice is maybe not so good on Mile Lacs eh?
    Taught I’d say hello to ya in bitween all da heavy dibate goin’ on here on dis topic of trucks fallin’ true dee ice!
    I vas up der fishin’ dis veekend and did pretty vell myself. Drove a four wheeler out ’cause I am smart enough to know that da ice needs more in da inch department before I vill bring my truck out dere to dose flats ya know. Dare seems to be an over abundance of dat dare tes tos ter own on this subject I tink. I tink dis should be the last post on dis subject so as to keep the fist fight out of da picture!
    If you don’t care if you drop your $20,000 plus vehicle in the drink and you can swim really well in really fricking cold water then drive wherever the hell you want! If you don’t want this and you are not a really good swimmer, especially in really fricking cold water, THEN LISTEN TO THE RESORT OWNERS AS IF THEY ARE TRULY GOD!!!

    St Cloud MN, Leech Lake
    Posts: 416

    Do I need my extension yet?

    Chris Meisch
    Ramsey, MN 55303
    Posts: 720

    I really appreciate all the honesty about the ice! Keep up the good work and the honest reports!
    That being said, each part of the lake is different.
    I guess I must say I am comfortable with traveling the road that is staked by my resort. We are within a couple miles of shore and that is as far as we drive. We travel that road and that road only. It bridges the major crack and – (we were drilling through 18 inches). Trips to the flats – will be atv only for this guy.
    Sounds like it is going to stay pretty cold – hopefully that will help for those taking the greater risk of not traveling a checked path.
    Where about did all these vehicles take the plunge????????

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12318


    Come on you two. Lets reread what I wrote. The only control that we as resort owners have,starts at the acesss. If you do not let them out. They cannot wander in the 1st place.

    This is where we differ in opinions. If you read my post, I asked “What about the P.A.’s?” If you do not let people on your known “Safe Roads” (If you have any, I am not suggesting you send people out on roads that are not safe!)they will access at other places, namely P.A.’s. And doing so with no advice or warning.
    Steve and others, I mean no disrespect to Rockman or any resort owner. I do believe however it is each resort owners responsibility to educate anyone who buys a road pass out of their resort. If that is not happening in each and every case, it should be. I just don’t believe we can make a broad-brush statement that resorters around the lake are not doing that.

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    This is what happens when you “wonder” out and about on the ice, off the roads……….

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    last picture.

    Steve Fellegy will pipe in with the info on this. He is the one that took the pictures.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1396

    Didn’t we come to the conclusion at one point that insurance doesn’t cover this kind of accident? That’s a really expensive mistake especially if insurance isn’t receptive to your needs

    Posts: 55

    I had an accident with my truck last year and I asked my Progressive insurance agent about coverage when breaking through the ice. She said that comprehesive coverage would cover it. Note that I did not get that in writing, but I only use the ATV or snowmobile so I’m not too concerned.

    Posts: 17

    We have this coverage on all our lake trucks and have learned that some companies cover ice recovery under comprehensive coverage, but others do not. Best to check with your agent and have them confirm with underwriting.


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