1st opener on Mille Lacs

  • pip
    Oskaloosa ,Iowa
    Posts: 14

    Hello fellow walleye hunters,
    Will be going to my 1st opener on the lake . Need some tips
    on where and what baits to use thsi time of year on
    Mille Lacs all help would be appreciated.

    Thanks Pip

    On the water- Minnesota
    Posts: 5022

    Were and what time are you launching?

    Oskaloosa ,Iowa
    Posts: 14

    Hi Derek,
    Thanks for the reply. We are staying at The All Seasons
    resort in Wahkon on the south end. We will be there Friday
    afternoon can go fishing anytime.
    thanks Pip

    On the water- Minnesota
    Posts: 5022

    I’m in the same bay as you will be in. Try the island out in front of All Seasons. Troll floating raps in 5-6 feet after dark. Fish the deeper water beyond the island towards the main lake in 15-18 feet during the day with plain snells and leeches.

    Oskaloosa ,Iowa
    Posts: 14

    Thanks all lot Derek maybe see you there I be in my black
    Lund 1675 Explorer. Well good luck to you, and hope you catch the big one.

    Talk to you later,

    Des moines,Iowa
    Posts: 22

    pip,looks like you were right! night fishing is allowed==and crankbaits are the choice=looks like I will have to make a trip to the tackle shop and do some shopping~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    Champlin, Mn
    Posts: 2128

    Just a heads up here guys on the night fishing. Remember the night ban is into effect Monday evening (May 12th) at 10:00pm! The law states that you must be off the water by 10:00pm sharp! I have seen many tickets written over the years for guy coming in 5-10 minutes late! This is just a reminder, so that means Friday night at midnight, and all night Saturday and Sunday night is open for angling. Have at it.

    Good Luck to all hitting the big pond this weekend!

    Doug Ertl
    St Cloud, MN
    Posts: 957

    Just a reminder to make sure your boat is properly equipped with life preservers, a throwable and proper fire extinguisher.
    Also 17″ – 28″ fish go immediately back in the water. This is something you will see when coming off the water or checked on the water that is taken very serious. I have seen many times fisherpersons coming in with fish getting checked and ticketed. Have a great time and may the fish gods tug on your line many times.

    Ankeny Iowa
    Posts: 290

    I herd they changed the limits there this year. Is this true if so what are they ? Jim

    Ankeny Iowa
    Posts: 290

    DMAN– I see you are from St.Cloud area well I’m one of the guys comming to Mille Lacs the 9-10-11-12th and appreicate your help there . My question is I will be going to Otter Tail area the 15th for 4 days also this month and do you have any tips for that area. Will be fishing Deer Lake area All help will be greatly appreciated. Jim

    Doug Ertl
    St Cloud, MN
    Posts: 957

    James- Can’t really speak to much on that area. Post your questions on Otter Tail in the North western Lakes forum and I am sure Walleyeaddict will be able to give you the skinny on this. I have fished the area a few times, but like you, I would be asking questions also. Good Luck, sounds like you have some great trips planned for the month of May.

    Ramsey, MN
    Posts: 4070

    They did change the slot size and it is just like Dman said, 17-28″ fish must be released immediately.

    Mount Vernon, IA
    Posts: 52

    Last I heard all fish 17″-28″ need to be released, but that doesn’t mean you can keep anything under 17″. Last year the slot was 14″-16″, meaning you could eat two fish between in that two inch range. I think they were thinking of changing it to 14″-17″ this year but I haven’t read anything that states that for sure. Its not uncommon for the Minn. DNR to change the slot part way through the year, so the best thing to do is make sure you find out and understand the current regulations after you arrive. I think they post the current regs. on most of the ramps also. Anyone feel free to correct me if any of the above info. is incorrect.

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    The new regs are listed on the Minn DNR Website:

    Minnesota DNR

    Click on Ceeded Territories…it’s all there.

    You must release all fish IN BETWEEN 17 and 28 inches. The limit is 4 fish. Only one over 28. You can keep ANYTHING under 17 inches. (Even 6 inch dinks if you choose)

    Read up on the other Regs for Mille Lacs. They are good to know!

    Jon J.

    Crystal, Mn.
    Posts: 1268

    For more info on different set-ups to run on Mille Lacs go to the FTL homepage and click on Articles at the top of the page.
    I have articles with pictures that will show and tell the various way we fish the lake.
    The early season I like to fish bobbers in the rocks when the wind blows and spend alot of time rigging the sand during the calmer days.

    Mount Vernon, IA
    Posts: 52

    Seems like a pretty drastic change in the regulations, what’s the reason for them opening things up so much compared to the last few years?

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    Personally, I think they just throw darts at a dartboard and use those numbers!! lol.

    The reason given last year was basically they wanted to come up with a slot that would stay in place for at least 3 complete seasons. And that is the slot they came up with. I do not believe it is based on any sound research data, just numbers that, over a 3 year period would keep the white man under their quota.

    Jon J.

    Mount Vernon, IA
    Posts: 52

    Well, whatever their reasons, I hope it benefited the lake and not just the “gill netters”. I can’t imagine how hard it must be for you guys to watch them rape that lake day in and day out.

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