Update: Well guys. I woke up this morning at 6:00am waiting for the sun to come up, so that I could go and retrieve the 6 wheeler. I loaded up the generator and the battery charger on the 4 wheeler and of I went. Last night I had prayed that it was just a dead battery. It was, thank god. After 15 minutes on the charger she popped rite off and back to shore I went.
On my way in I stopped at a few of the houses we had blocked up yesterday and the water was rite up to the skids. That’s 4 1/2 inches of water under them. They were starting to freeze down, so I made the decision to take the truck out to get them moved. To make a long story short. They are all fine and on high ground and out of the water. Everything has frozen over except for where the houses were sitting. We got down to 15 degrees last night and the wind drove the cold rite through the water and slush, so we are good to go.
We now have a fresh start for the New Year. I am still trying to be very positive, as it is what it is and I do love what I do. Just not too much love for Mother Nature at times. I did get a note from Nathan, the youngster that caught the big fish on Saturday. That made my day already. Be safe out there guys, with the colder temps at night, things will be opening up over night and pushing in the afternoon.
The Rockman
Here is the email from Nathan
Have a great day
Happy New Year to you all.
I wanted to thank you for your advice on where to fish today, I also wanted to say how much it meant to me that you posted my picture on your web site. We plan on coming to your resort more often and thanks again!!!!