Rockman’s report/Ice conditions

    Mille Lacs
    Posts: 51


    The snow that fell last night was min. We ended up with maybe an inch. The ice is at 9 inches, slowly but surely we will get to 12 inches. I just hope that it is soon. You want to talk about a bad deal for those of us that make our living at this.

    The seasons are getting shorter and shorter every year. I am praying that we get some cold,cold weather soon. I am out of cash already. I do have 1 working crack out in front about 100 yards. I have never had a working crack that far from shore.

    I did put the bridge out over it yesterday. With the warm weather for the next few days, it will be moving around a lot. Be careful out there guys. The ice is moving and shifting by the hour.

    If you make it up to the big pond this weekend, do not drive anything more than a 4 wheeler or sled. I don’t care what any one says. It is too sketchy out there for anything else. Even in the bays, the ice thickness can change drastically once you get past them. For anyone going out of Eddy’s, be very careful.

    There is a guy that is letting people drive out with their trucks and cars in Vineland Bay. It is Duane Rassler. Stay away from his access; he is not concerned about your safety, just the 10 bucks. He is crazy to think that there is enough ice, even in the bay to drive a vehicle.

    Be very safe out there this weekend and have a Merry Christmas.

    The Rockman

    On the water- Minnesota
    Posts: 5022

    Thanks for the tip about the money maker..

    I agree. Nobody should be driving a car or truck anywhere on the ice.. There are some resorts letting people park on the ice but thats about it..

    Be safe, not stupid..

    Mpls MN
    Posts: 2603


    Thanks Rock!

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