Rockman’s Report/This weekends fishing

    Mille Lacs
    Posts: 51


    What a beautiful day to be on the ice on Saturday. Dar, Marie and a few others that were here by 7:30 were out on the spot by 8:00am. Marie caught the first fish by 8:15. By the way, there is 8 inches of solid clear ice. We ventured out to the 1st hump rite out of the gate. We caught fish from 8:15 to about 11:00, then it slowed down. So we moved to the Second Reef hoping for some perch action until about 2:30, there were no perch to be had, from 30 ft all the way up to 15 ft.

    We finished off the day back out on the 1st hump. The bite was on again by 4:00 pm until 5:00 pm. We caught a lot of 12 incher’s mixed in with the 15 to 17 incher’s and then it was done. We ended up with 7 keepers from 16 to 18 inches. With 1 over 26, that was caught by Marie of course. Sorry about that Dar Dar I just couldn’t resist. 9 perch over 10 inches and 2 eel pout. In total we caught over 20 walleyes and 30 perch between 3 people in my group.

    So we called it a day because I wanted to head towards shore before it was totally dark. I could still see the ice, when we get about a quarter of a mile towards shore and there was a crack that had started to pull apart, as it started to get colder. For those of you that do not understand the mechanics of ice, here is the skinny.

    When the weather warmers the ice expands. As the weather cools, the ice retracts. So that is what was happening. It was open about 6 inches when we came up on it, so we went over at a slight angle. No problem. The last people to come in behind us had called and ask how we got over the crack? It was now open over a foot! They were only a half hour behind us.

    Lucky they had some old planks lying in their 4 wheeler trailer they were pulling and made it across. That is what sucks about being out early. When you have these warm and then cold temps, with no snow to insulate the ice. It is just constantly moving around through out the day. That is why you have to be careful where you go.

    Most of the people I saw and talked to did ok, to great. Some got them, some didn’t. I will have to give it 6 out of 10 stars for the catching of walleyes and perch. 9 out of 10 for ice conditions, and a 10 out of 10 for the company. I can only give it a 6 for ice thickness for this time of year, at 8 inches.

    It will be a few more cold nights before we have enough ice to pull houses out. Probably just after Christmas if not just before the 1st of the year I hope. We will see what Mother Nature can send our way, right?

    We will see ya

    When we see ya

    The Rockman

    Annandale Mn.
    Posts: 1260

    You got 3 inches overnight from friday? Had a guy go out your access friday and he checked ice atmost 5 1/2 inches.

    Posts: 2

    I was there on friday and most of the ice was 7-8. That crack was a little scary on the way back. It was about 6 inches wide that night. What is considered the 1st and 2nd reef? I thought it all kind of looked like just one reef.

    Posts: 2294

    There aren’t any fish on Rocky Reef!!

    Don’t believe anything you hear about fish being caught on Rocky Reef. There aren’t any!

    That is especially true during the open water season!

    Rogers / Grand Rapids
    Posts: 561

    FIRST OFF I WANT TO SAY THANK YOU Rockman for giving my brother and me a ride out to your spot and letting us fish with you this past Saturday. YOU know I will be back and I think we might just convert that bass head brother of mine to a walleye guy. By the end of the night we sure had that house spinning the wheeler around in circles bit down pretty good. I just need new spikes now.

    Second, I want to say sorry to Ole for not waiting for him after the bait store stop. My brother and I figured we would walk out to the first break and then wait for you. Then Rockman offered us the ride to the second hump so I could not resist fishing out on new ice with Rock all day hoping for some video. By the time we got out there I remembered you didn’t have your wheeler. Beer’s on me next time.


    As I said before we went with Rockman out to the second hump and were told to explore all over the place and pick up on any patterns. Well my brother had the upper hand for the first 3 hours. He caught 4 small walleyes (12” or less) that were released and 4 other perch with one making the bucket @ 10”. He (being a bass guy) had a simple setup with a small Jammin Jigs fire tiger designed small jig and fathead minnow. He just waited them out all day as I think he fished in only 5 holes all day. He also had two tip-ups (one being mine) out with shiner minnows on the out side edge of the hump. I was surprised that these didn’t get hit, but then I pulled one of them up and he had a hook that a shark fisherman would be envious of. I laughed and left it out of the water so I could finally fish two lines.

    At 2ish Rockman and company headed in to the first hump to fish for perch but we stayed and hit more of the edges of the hump to what normally were 30 feet which is now 27 because of the low water conditions. First hole I pulled a nice fat 10” jumbo on a dropper rig with minnow head, then it went dead. I left my bobber rig down and went hopping. I worked a small perch for 20 minutes and finally pulled that one up. I then decided to head back to the house and noticed my bobber was gone. I set the hook with nothing there. That was on a small jig and shiner. I set that back up with another shiner and continued to jig. From 3:00 to 3:30 I caught 4 little walleyes and had something snap my line with the bobber and shiner.

    We then moved to the top of the reef again for the sundown bite and proceeded to pick up an eater (16.5”) and another jumbo. Thinking the bigger fish were going to bite brought a flurry of smaller walleye and then Rockman packed it up and off we went on another exciting ride towards shore. A couple quick famous Rocky reef burger baskets we were headed for home.

    I was hoping to shoot some video but we couldn’t get on a consistent bite for that, hopefully next time. Rockman thanks for the hospitality and the rides, Patti great burgers as always. TILL NEXT TIME.

    Mille Lacs
    Posts: 51

    Don’t beleive a thing you here from Dunn about Rocky Reef, cause he don’t know Jack about it.

    Annandale Mn.
    Posts: 1260

    Well perhaps this weeks weather will be enough to get a bit more ice out there on the pond and I will have to go out and check this Rocky Reef area out for myself..

    Mille Lacs
    Posts: 51

    That is the only way to find out for yourself is to fish it,unlike Jack Dunn who has never fished it If he had, he would not dis it like that.

    Posts: 2294


    That is the only way to find out for yourself is to fish it,unlike Jack Dunn who has never fished it If he had, he would not dis it like that.

    I suppose I should stay over on my side of the lake?

    Resides on the North Shores of Mille Lacs--guiding on Farm Island these days
    Posts: 1294

    I suppose I should stay over on my side of the lake?

    Sounds like you might finally be learning Jack! lollol

    S O U T H—- Repeat THAT s l o w l y 10 times every hour until spring.
    S O U T H–S O U T H –SO U T H Repeat after me…

    Steve Fellegy

    Posts: 2294

    Hey Steve, FYI, I choose the south side over the north side 10 years ago. I can just as easily come back to the north side and haunt you if I choose to!!!

    Seriously though. From the early mid 70’s till the late 80’s, I was strictly a south sider, out of Joe and Midges “All Season’s Resort”. I then hooked up with some rather surly guys that persuadded me to fish out of Barnacle Bill’s for about 6 years. Thats when and where I learned most of the things I know about the mud. Then in 1995, Aaron McQuoid and I met and started to fish together, and well, as you might say, the rest is history!

    In other words, the whole lake is my sand box!!

    John, I love your side of the lake as much as I do Steve’s, so don’t feel slighted!

    On the water- Minnesota
    Posts: 5022

    Ivan certainly likes the Rock. Especially during the Oct full moon.

    Posts: 2294

    And you and “500” don’t?

    Champlin, MN
    Posts: 2097


    Joe and Midges “All Season’s Resort”.

    Boy, do those names bring back memories. It’s been many years but I remember my Grandfather taking me to the lake through All Seasons. Joe is a gruff but nice guy and I remember Midge as one of the friendliest ladies I had ever met. Are they still there?

    I was raised on fishing on that part of the lake. Kind of funny that in more recent years I gravitate more toward the sand in the spring and mud in the summer.

    On the water- Minnesota
    Posts: 5022


    And you and “500” don’t?

    We actually like Wiggies better..

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