Say Guys, I have used a Water Spike for many years, Even before they were called Water Spike ! I have found out by trial and error that you need to attach 3 foot of heavy chain to the anchor. The chain makes the anchor fall faster and makes it lay down so the flukes start to dig in as soon as it hits the bottom. I also have found out that the chain makes it easier to get the anchor un-stuck because the chain keeps the rope at a low profile so it will slide up the anchor release ! Bob is right you need to play out more rope than normal ! I use my Water Spike in all conditions,”Lake&River” !! The more the boat pulls the more the anchor digs, But the chain trick really works, it’s easy, I have lost only one anchor in 30 years, that was because I didn’t tie the rope to the anchor !!
“Sorry Hoggie” !!!
My Dad Was a commercial fisherman in the 60’s, I always wondered why he had three foot of chain attatched to his anchors !! I use the Water Spike in all conditions, the more the boat pulls the more it digs ! My Dad passed away 12 years ago, I swear that man could smell out fish in thirty foot of water. He was the proverbial Al Linder / Babe Winkelman of the 60’s, my Dad could have taught these two boys how to fish just by looking at the water !! He is “NOW” one of the smartest men I have ever known !
Try the chain trick, I’m sure you will be impressed !
Richard (Smitty)
Keep a tight line !!!