Mille Lacs 10/20

  • fishin101
    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 35

    Went out last night on the west side. Started out at Pike’s Point and moved south all night through St. Alban’s Bay. Anyway I am looking for some help, we came up empty between two of us and about 4 hours of fishing. We varied are baits, lengths of line out, speed, s turns and straight. Any advice would be great as we are going to try again tonight. We are going to be going back to the same area. Thank you all in advance!!!


    Posts: 604

    was out the previous two nights and was blanked the first night and then only picked up two right at dusk. the bite is really tough right now and the fish that are being taken are being found right at dark. you’re doing all the right things, just found a tough spot in the fall cycle normally doesn’t last this long.

    Ramsey MN
    Posts: 62

    Nathan and Micah

    I was out the other night as well. Ditto on the fish before dark. Picked up 9 fish casting Weed lines Garrison

    and Twin Pines in 4 hours starting about 4:30 pm. After dark the bite got tough 1 fish from Pikes Point to Terry’s trolling. Blue Chrome Rogues – downsized to the 4 1/2″ suspending above the weeds. Size was decent 22″ – 26″ but not what I was looking for either. Things will get better if we can get this weather pattern to straighten out.

    Good Luck and be safe !!


    John from Ramsey

    Isle Mn
    Posts: 953

    Here is a suggestion that seemed to work for a couple people last week.
    The first night the did the traditional trolling 4-8 feet with HJ and such. they got blanked too.
    They took a completly different approach the next day. With the water being as stirred up as it is they didn’t bother fishing after dark they started around 4 and went to dark. They fished large or nosiy bright colored cranks. Hint: lipless! They targeted the tops and edges of the shallow rocks on the south side. Yes the size was great but number were good none the less they put fish in the boat. They were fishing like you would for smallies… Cast up on the rocks and twich with lots of pauses, or pumping the crank to create the most noise/vibration possible. they ended up with 19 between the two of them biggest one was 25. most were between 14 and 20.

    just a suggestion if the water doesn’t clear up.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 35

    Things got a bit better for us on Saturday (10/21). We got started a little earlier and finished with 4 fish from about a half hour before dark until about 9:45. The biggest was a little over 25″. Thank you all for the suggestions. We hit fish in the 5-8 fow range and were trolling clown/ chrome & blue hj 12 and smithy’s fire. That will mark my last trip up that way until hard water, good luck to all still planning trips that way!!!!

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