Rob- Thanks for posting the picture. Yesterday was an amazing day. Some of you might know a little about this but I would love to share the story. I won a guided trip for the moonlight troll which is something I have never done before. We planned to fish from 6pm-3am. Needless to say between the Twins and the trip I was not the most productive guy at work. To add a huge twist to what turned out to be one of the best days of my life. I received a phone call in the morning from a guy I have been looking for for 5 years and have never met. My father. I was addopted as a infant and fornd my birth mother two and a half years ago. We have a great relationship but could not find my dad. Well we did find him. We met at the Blue Goose for a couple of hours before my trip. What a draining experience. Turns out he loves2fish as well as hunt. Only time will tell how things will go from here, but it sure is nice to have a dad, as my addoptive father passed away while I was in college. The fishing was great too. Not too many numbers but the quality of fish were great, including my new personal best 29 incher. Thanks again Rob and Castaway. Have a great weekend. I will keep you up to date on new dad. By the way he has a place on Winni