The fishing continues to be slow on the big pond. We fished yesterday starting out on 9 mile at first daylight. I caught one elpout and had no luck putting any walleye on the ice. We had the Aqua View along and did see a few walleye come by our baits with no interest. We did have around dozen others setup in the same area. By 9am most had left and gone to other locations……we also left soon after and moved over to the Boot and fished till around 2pm. We did see one walleye caught on the Boot, but fishing was very slow there also.
The fisherman that I talked with said they had some success on the mud prior, but saturday was a very off day. Everyone talked about the small perch that are now present. There is just so much feed in the lake right now.
The ice deepth was around 16-17 inches in the areas I checked. Hunters Point Resort now has a marked road that runs from the east shore out to the Boot Flat. I saw trucks driving all over the middle of the lake Saturday. I did here of some water problems up on the northend. Flooding from a pressure ridge near shore.
January 5, 2003 at 10:21 pm