Weekend update

  • chris-tuckner
    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    Well, they seem to be starting off nicely. Not quite the gangbusters bite we get towards the end of the month, but hey! I’ll take it! I left my camera up there, and will have no pictures until tomorrow night. But we got fish over and around weeds on the north and west sides of the lake. Playing the wind this time of year will put you on fish. On the west side, we did really well on slot fish 18-21″. Our biggest (26.5″) coming on Silver/blue Rogues and Lazer/craw. Depths were 6-9 feet.

    The north end found fish scattered around the transitions of rock to weed, and weed to sand. I pulled 28″ slob of a walleye last night out of 4.5 feet of water! Hot baits last night for us were chrome/blue old models of Storm Thundersticks. I only have one left! Taking a close second was the chrome and Lazer/Craw Rogues. We ended up with 3 for the box, and about 15 more from 23-28″. Holst has been getting fish pitching K-tails over the tops of weeds. Yes, K-TAILS! More on this as James gets a chance to post. Watch for a lot of reports coming from IDA Guides as James, Dustin and myself will be putting in many hours up there in the next couple of weeks. Also watch for Cal, Rob and Bobber’s reports as each of these staffers does something a little different! You will pick up on some hot patterns for fall fish!
    Be careful, and have fun!

    White Bear Twp
    Posts: 997

    Sounds like a greta time! Can’t wait to be there this weekend

    Hastings, MN Lake Isabel activist
    Posts: 1345

    Friday afternoon was to say the least extremely slow. We targeted perch for the afternoon and couldn’t even get a bite. We fished the east side. The lake was a sheet of ice flat. it was nice to be able to run around but the fish didn’t bite. We were slipbobbering about dusk when a hint of a breeze started coming out of the South. Bang, a small small mouth. Bang another. Then my bobber went down next to the boat. The drag started to sing. And then nothing. The line broke right at the hook. We ended up with a 26 3/4, and 2 for the box bobber fishing. We started trolling ended up with a 25 and 2 more for the box. We returned 2 small ones and then the wind really came up. Trolled back to Hunters cause it was too rough. Probably 3 footers by the time we got back.

    Was the trip worth it.


    Here’s Chappy’s 25″. No compition in the boat. But mine was bigger again at 26 3/4

    Planning a one nighter next Sat night.

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    Nice fish guys! Good talking to you Friday night Clarence! We figured after that front went through that you guys were going to get rocked. We had it pretty calm, but wet! The fish bit pretty good after I talked to you. I saw TBO MN pulling out about 1:30 AM. I guess he did OK on slot fish down south a bit farther than us pulling the weed edges. I talked to a launch Captain returning from a trip out to Sherman’s Reef, and they reported a few limits of slots, and a 28.5″ that was kept for the wall by a customer.

    Did anyone see the Northern lights last night? WOW!

    Hastings, MN Lake Isabel activist
    Posts: 1345

    I should have added that the 26 did not make the page because my bro decided to skip town with Crosbystick.

    He thinks I’m going to pick him up at the airport.

    I noticed a few boats working Hunters point. Was that anyone from the site?

    Posts: 1957

    The N. lights were pretty cool! They were dancing around pretty good for a few minutes there.
    We didn’t see any big eyes, our fish were in that 21 3/4″ range,, with a few smaller ones and some jumbo’s. Man are the fish “thick” with big shoulders this year!! The bite wasn’t as hot as I had hoped but a good warm up for the coming week. The fish of the night was a 38″ slimer that put up a fight like a 2 lb. smallie?? The fish came to the surface twice, “gotta be a smallie”! Rod was barely even bent, didn’t take any drag, wussy! Nice, thick, heavy fish though. We pulled off the water at about 11.30 as the last couple passes put up zero fish and the girls were cold. All in all a pleasant night!


    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 97

    I hope everyone got a chance to get started on the Fall bite. I was up a couple times this past week. For my boat the rocks have put more fish in the boat than weeds. We spent this past friday pulling over past years trolling runs on the NW and N sides to find some fish, but did not find them one after another. Did catch a couple that were just over 28, but the rest in our boat were 23 and under. I forgot how hard it is to take decent pictures in the black of the night. Craw pattern HJ seemed to work the best with Firetiger/Perch second. I tried alot of different speeds, but 1.5 with S-turns turned the most fish. It will only get better in the weeks to come.

    Lino Lakes, Minnesota
    Posts: 232

    Thanks for the update…great info Hoping to make it up sometime in the next week or two would like to get some input to help focus my efforts…

    Let say you come up out of deep(er) water and top out at 6-8 feet aways off shore (anywhere between 1/4 mile and 1/2 mile) and that the depth stays pretty consitent/gently levels off between that point and shore. In general, have you found that the fish tend stay somewhat close top of the break (to have quick access to deeper water) or are they not afraid to roam this vast “flat” on a search and destroy mission looking for food.




    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    S turns along the break you descibed is producing fish right now. Any area of the lake receiving wind along rocks is producing as well.

    Bruce Bombard
    Forest Lake/Wahkon MN
    Posts: 36

    Way to go Chris, Looks like I better check the Crank boxes and see what I have that has a lot of shine to it. I’m heading up Wed. PM but not soon enough for me. . Oh by the way the duck hunting was not very good Just got a few Keep in touch …….BB

    Albertville MN
    Posts: 2019


    Hot baits last night for us were chrome/blue old models of Storm Thundersticks. I only have one left!

    I have spent the last 2 days searching Saint Cloud for my “turbo bait”. Apparently the pattern is now discontinued. Out of the six big Sporting goods stores none had any. I found them at a very small shop. I now have six and have completely bought out Saint Cloud.

    Funnny thing is,…..Its also a Storm bait. Hmmmmmmmm

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