Gotta take just a second here to grin over your last paragraph Gianni!…………(chuckling……….)……………. As I said before, I’m glad Wellstone isn’t a WI issue.
I’m surprised at your amazement of MN being in support of a liberal. The term “MN Nice” reaches a long way and in oppressive or minority type situations, the Twin Cities are bested in popularity by VERY few. They’ve been a strong Democratic (liberal) state for many, many years. More recently it appeared the conservatives were getting the edge but it’s so hard to get those types to sound their voices or get involved with making changes. They may want to vote for the guy who deals better with “majority issues” but they find out the guy smoked a roach 30 years ago and somehow that equals an “undecided…………..none of them are any good” attitude. No participation equals a willed submission to uncertain servitude toward whatever becomes your fate. Sad, but true.
I still like the idea of a “Government Lottery”. You can only serve one 4yr. term, you’ll be handsomely rewarded for you service, but you’ll never know if you’ll be a politician or not. That way, by random “lotto” picks of registered citizens, no one knows who will or won’t be selected, no career guys, no leverage for lobbyists, and the majority consensus will most likely be the ones governing our tomorrows. They’ll most likely stick to things that pertain to a world they’d want to return to, for anything they do in office will then become their living conditions for tomorrow.
It’s within our citizens power to see this government changed if desired…………but a thought this radical would step on too many toes and I’d see myself buried all too soon. I don’t like where we’ve gone, in regards to the original intent, but everyone who heads up a revolution dies………………..I’d rather go fishing and let God take over when the time is right.