Bands object to state overage on Mille Lacs

  • Anonymous

    I was reading this article in this weeks Outdoor News. I took notice to the comments of Curt Kalk the Mille Lacs Band Natural Resources Commissoner. He stated that ” while stopping short of demanding that the state shut down the Mille Lacs hook-and-line fishery…….

    As of July 15th state anglers had combined hooking mortality and angler harvest totals of 383,000 lbs. Thats 83,000 lbs over the years total lbs?

    There is some interesting reading here, some of which really concerns me about what may happen with Mille Lacs yet this year? There is talk of options as ways to decrease the hooking mortality including: live bait restrictions,barbless hooks,limiting access,either via hours per day or numbers of days per week,extending the night ban.

    It looks like the Mn DNR and the Mille Lacs Band DNR may have some difficult times ahead…..

    Check this article out……….

    I just had a thought? I wonder what chances we would have if this went back to court?


    Doesn’t sound like the most encouraging of articles…………. Are they sure its ALL really hook and line harvest/mortality? Just wondering how they can check that many fish and I’m wondering if it has anything to do with the talk of all the skinny (starving) fish previous the fly hatch? Sure would hate to see the lake shut down…………….talk about devastating local commerce! Sounds like the deal last year made things tough enough. Guess we’ll have to keep our eyes and ears open on this issue! Thanks for the heads up Bob!


    Cant say I did’nt see this coming. I hope a decent solution comes out of this. Please dont pull any bull [censored] with the fall full moon, thats all I ask.


    After reading the article , there are a couple of points that worry me. First is the hooking mortality numbers. This is only an educated “guess” based on another computer model. I will agree that there probably has been more dead fish than we hoped for but we are being judged by number crunchers.
    The other larger point is the list of ways to slow down the angling pressure. I can fish without live bait. My ringworms and Super Doos can get more fishing time. I need to work on my deep water trolling presentation anyway. I can use barbless hooks either with or without bait. What concerns me more is ENFORCEMENT. In light of the latest court ruling about probable cause needed to search a boat , how can any CO’s do their job to enforce any rules that may be put in place. I agree with Dman. Do what you have to do but don’t mess with my lake access or fall fishing.


    Bob, and FTL, here is a link to the story from “Outdoor News”.

    Now, did anyone read the Q & A interview with Kalk 2 weeks ago in the Outdoor News? I found that article very interesting. Kalk’s views are certainly thought provoking to say the least. As much as I hate to say it, I can agree with one of his points.

    First, let’s turn the whole thing around. What if the bands went way over their quota while netting this spring. I’ll guarantee we (white-man fishermen) would be demanding that the tribes reduce next year’s allowable netting by the overage, so I can see where they are coming from. (Don’t necessarily agree…but) Additionally, we would be calling for a stop to the tribe’s current harvest. (The tribes have their own set limits on hook and line harvest that are different than the white man’s, for instance, no slot).

    One thing Kalk said really floored me. I’ll paraphrase…. “I’ll never understand what is so enjoyable about hooking a fish and feeling it fight for it’s life on the end of a fishing pole.” ….then going on to say that how netting and spearing was so much different……. We (Indians and White Man) are a lot further apart on this issue than most people care to consider.

    Finally, the fight has to be with the idea of a sovern nation existing within the borders of the United States. It all comes down to that one issue. If you care about that cause, then you must join PERM.

    I pledge allegence to the flag
    of the United State of America,
    and to the Republic for which it stands,
    One nation under God,
    “No Reservations”,
    With liberty and Justice for ALL.

    We all need to live under the same law in this country.



    Hey Jon J.
    thanks for the link to the article here
    this fishing issue is going to get very interesting. What we need is someone high up in the political circle to take notice to our problem.
    I’ve always said PERM has never given up fighting this issue. If we only could get some help from our New Gov.
    Jessie has’nt done anything……


    When i read Kirk Kalk’s interview last week, i had to agree with a little of it, but i must admit, i was quite angered the more i read. The general tone I got was that they are about to really put their foot down and draw a line in the stand. I see the 2 sides quickly losing any chance of working together. Joe Fellegy made some good points in this weeks outdoor news on this same topic. The one that i can remember that stands out deals what was mentioned earlier – our enjoyment of hooking a fish while the fish is struggling for its life. Fellegy points out that the fish struggle much longer and have no chance of survival in a tribal net. its worth logging on to to read it if you don’t subscribe.

    Here’s hoping that things will improve between both sides.




    I agree, fact is Pres. Bush could yank all reservation treaties in the swing of a pen. And yes, Jessie (Whom I voted for) dropped the ball on supporting the fishing/hunting agenda. Sportsmen put him in office. If the “Right to Fish and Hunt” constitutional ammendement was not on the election ballet, Jessie would never have been elected.

    Make sure you know where your candidte stands next November. And just a little fact about one of our candidates. Roger Moe’s biggest cash cow is Grand Casino.

    Jon J.

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