There was a fairly good chop on Mille Lacs in the am, but then the wind died down to nothing. The fishing was a little tough in our boat but we did manage to catch 7 real nice fish (21 1/2″, 27 1/2″, 28 1/2″ and the rest between 22 and 24″) All of our fish came in 4 to 8 fow on the rocks with slip bobbers, jigs and leeches. I can’t believe I just said it was tough! Man we are spoiled on this gem of a fishery!
We did see quite few tourney boats and mostly were musky anglers! We also saw about 6 muskies on the reefs too. Reefs fished were 3-mile, Doe Island, north of Doe, Outer Twin, “banana”, Rays, Izaty’s and Anderson’s.
And Mr. Naylor, if you’re reading this post, we had our best luck on the smallies in between the two middle bouys on Outer Twin and on the north end of Andersons
Good luck to the rest of you who get out.

Posts: 423
August 20, 2006 at 10:49 am