Eleven Inches of Rain on Big Point!

  • Anonymous

    Sunday night there was a big wash over on Big Point. We knew it was coming because the NOAA had forcasted flash flood conditions all day. Our resort had a rain gauge that was empty at dark and there was a little over 11 inches Monday morning!

    Hunters, Liberty Beach and most low laying areas and road were covered with water. The little creek that flows through Hunters campground has swelled all the way up to several fish houses. (2 feet under water). All of the creeks and rivers up there were over thier banks. There were a lot of cabins, campers, cars under too.

    If you have a camper or fish house in a low laying area, you may want to call up there and see if it need attention.

    Dinosaur….your place was high and dry…no trees down either!



    I was fishing off Indian Point Sunday evening. We were watching a thunderstorm off in the distance to the north. It was far enough away we didn’t hear most of the thunder from the lightning so I didn’t get overly concerned. Then, out of nowhere, we hear a couple thunder events from a different direction – west. I don’t screw around with lightning so we decided to head for the boat ramp. The timing couldn’t have been better because it held off until we managed to get everything tied down. Then, just as I turned the key on my truck to leave, the sky opened up and it poured, and poured… and poured.

    I couldn’t get over how that snuck up on us while we were watching that storm to the NNW. We really lucked out staying dry. We would have been very wet if we would have even waited another 5 minutes.

    If the thunder wouldn’t have had me heading back, the mayflies, mini-moths, and other bugs just about had me there by themselves. They were intense!!

    There is a lot of confusion over just what exactly is a Mayfly. Many people were confusing the midge (mosquito-like) fly with mayflies back in the end of May. To make matters worse, both species are known as “fish flies” depending on whom you talk to. The current hatch is mayflies.


    Jon: Thanks for the report. When I was reading the paper this morning and saw the rain totals for Brainerd I figured the lake got a bunch also. I am glad I am high and dry. I bet my dock will be under after all the swamps drain in. I will call you when I get home Thursday.


    Just got back from Mille Lacs and got another 1-1/2 inches between 4 and 5 oclock this afternoon.

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