DNR on Mille Lacs

  • Anonymous

    I’ve been on Mille Lacs quite a bit the last couple seasons. This is not an exaggeration but I’ve been checked by the DNR at the landing at least a third or more of the times I’ve been on the lake. That includes pulling off the lake at 2:30 in the morning yesterday.

    However, I have yet to be checked on the water once during the last two years. Have you witnessed a lot of checking out on the lake? I don’t see how even a dumb lawbreaker would chance bringing illegal fish to the public landings. On the other hand, I’m guessing there are at least some lawbreaking cabin/home owners on the lake taking advantage of what I’ve seen.

    As a side note, I have found it interesting to see how the CO’s measure fish close to the slot boundaries. The shorter ones are scrunched and the longer ones are pulled to the point of looking like they are on a medieval stretch rack. All my fish have been fine but I’ve had a couple come much closer to the line than I had measured. With a slot that tight, nearly every fish is within a 1/2 an inch of being illegal. Observing the way the CO’s measure them, I’m considering bringing a video camera to document the process in the future.

    With one exception, the CO’s I’ve talked to have been at least cordial, if not down right nice. I’d just like to see them bring their act out onto the water with a higher frequency.

    Posts: 24

    I was checked on the water Saturday afternoon 6/15 in Sha-bush-kung bay, luckily no fish in the boat or the ordeal would have been much longer. They checked everything else out, I passed. Relatively cordial guys. I later saw the DNR boat tied up to another guys boat for at least 45 min during the hot bite- poor guy missed out on it.



    I’ve only been on Mille Lacs twice this year. The first time I was checked on the water and the second time the boat next to me was checked.

    I was a little nervous the second time. I had a fish that I measured at 15 6/8 inches.

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