Great Day on Mille Lacs

  • love2fish
    Shoreview, Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 1024

    Hello everyone. For those of you who read my other post I had the opportunity to borrow a boat for the day and put to the test all I have learned from this site as well as from some of you that have been nice enough to share your boat with me. Here goes, we arrived at the pond around 6am and headed out. The wind was blowing pretty good and not having too much experience in boat control I opted to fish the south side of the lake. We fished from 7:30 or so until 1:00 with only a few walleyes in the boat. Nothing really big but managed to take home 4 all under 20″. At 1:00 we decided to change it up and fish the shallow rock reefs on the south side for smallies and it turned out to be the best idea of the day. We threw primarily cranks up onto then off the reefs and managed 10-12 nice smallies, and 3 22+” walleyes in about an hour. Just before we were going to head out I lost a crank bait to what we think was a northern and tied on a shad rap in Black and Silver. My next cast was to a rock bouy then wham I was hit. After about 10 minutes and 5 or 6 quality runs I landed a 21″smallie, the best ever to date. After photos and a quick release I cast to the exact same spot and again WHAM, no wai DOUBLE WHAM. I was now involved in the fight of my life. Run after Run after Run. In just one cast I had already beat my new personal best. The 2nd smallie measured 22 1/4 inches with a 22″ girth. Holding this beast was something else and not knowing what the state record was I didn’t know what to do. I thought it was somewhere around 9lbs and I thought this fish was close but wasn’t that big. I made the decision to take some good measurements and a quick picture or 2 and off she swam to be caught again. Needless to say I will now be looking for a good taxadermist to make me my replica. I might even have one made for each. LipRipper has the photo’s and is going to attach them to this thread for me. I can’t wait to hear what you pro’s think. After 2 casts and those 2 fish I think I will start fishing those bruisers some more, they sure are fun and the battle they offer is second to none. Thanks for posting the picture’s for me Rob and thanks to all you guys for teching me most of what I know about Mille Lacs. In a way all of you are responsible for my success on the water Tuesday. Love2Fish.

    Montrose Mn
    Posts: 2101

    Another Walleye guy to the bright side!
    We look forward to seeing more posts in the Bass forums from you.

    In all seariousness. Those are 2 fish to be very proud of. There are not many that can say they tangled with one let alone 2 20inch plus smallies.


    Slider and Alvin will be extremely jealous.

    Shoreview, Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 1024

    Chriss- Wait until you see the picture that lipRipper will post for me. These fish are incredible the big one is my new screen saver and all I can do is stare at it and not get any work done. Be sure to comment once the pictures are up. Love2Fish.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    I got a comment for Rob, where HE double hockey sticks are the pics???

    Montrose Mn
    Posts: 2101


    I got a comment for Rob, where HE double hockey sticks are the pics???

    He’s out flipping foil on Tonka. I’m sure they’ll be up when he’s done BASS fishing.

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    Great Post.

    You can send the pix to me and I’ll get them up right away. (Send to e-mail address in my profile)


    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872

    That fish is something to be VERY proud of!!!

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    I just clicked on to post pictures. Thanks J.J for getting them up and congrats John on some beauties.

    Sorry John, I had some Trouble in Construction Land come up that needed my immediate attention. I’m also dealing with a nasty bee sting that has slowed me down today.

    Hey Chriss

    John I hope you kept both of those Smallies those biguns’ make for great garden Fertilizer. If you can get them in the ground while they are still floppin’ even better

    Somerset, WI
    Posts: 1416

    Awesome fish! That’s a fun couple of casts!

    Champlin, MN
    Posts: 2097

    Ok, who can name that boat ramp in the 1st picture?

    North Central Iowa
    Posts: 187

    outstanding smallies

    Posts: 351

    !WOW!WOW!WOW!WOW! 690reece P.S. I will be on the pond on the weekend! What baits besides the black and silver shad rap were you using?? Awesome fish LOVE2FISH!!!!

    Sioux City IA
    Posts: 3974

    looks like the landing just north of smok’n hill, 4-5 miles north of Isle

    W Central Sconnie
    Posts: 4102

    ’tis the season for slobbo smallies. nice pics.

    Malcom, IA
    Posts: 1939

    Sounds like a great day on the Pond! You should be proud Those are some very nice smallies


    Mpls MN
    Posts: 2603

    Nice fish…not a Bass expert but I would say 6# 6-1/2#’s.

    What a pig…

    Jack Naylor
    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 5668

    Congrats on two wonderful Smallies, and thank-you for the release. I thought I’d put an estimate on the weight of your big one. but all I have is a Largemouth formula. am not sure if the Smallmouth has a different one. But using the LM formula, and your measurements of 22 1/4 X 22, it comes up with 9.076 pounds.
    WOW and WOW…
    Best back to back fish I ever heard of.

    Shoreview, Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 1024

    HEllo everyone- Thanks for all of your nice reply’s. It sure was fun catching those 2 fish. For those of you who do want to know where I got em I am more than willing to share the spot. We were smallie fishing just east of the marked channel coming from the Whakon Bay landing. Once you get out of the marked channel there are a series of rock marker buoy’s heading east. Both fish came off the 3rd buoy heading east in about 5 feet of water. Thanks again and go get those 2 again. Love2Fish.

    Jack Naylor
    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 5668

    Thanks John,
    SenkoKing and I are going up on Sunday just for Smallies. I just hope to catch A picture fish.
    Will make a post.

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 5431

    Where have I been not to see this thread. This house selling/buying has thrown my life in a tailspin but just a few more weeks and I will be able to get back out and chase those sumos.
    Those are truly great fish. Great job.


    bob schroden
    Cold Spring, MN
    Posts: 281

    Nice report and great pics!

    Posts: 604

    well done, sounds like a great day on the water. One of those days that will keep you coming back again and again even amidst all the bad days out.

    Posts: 14

    Without bursting anybody’s bubble, 22 1/4 isn’t anywhere close to 9 pounds. It’s big. Bigger than most will ever catch. We’ve weighed in BIG fish out there. Up to 23 1/2 inches long. The most weight we have is 7.38 on that giant. The was pre spawn and full of eggs. I also know of a fish that was 24″ and just over 7 and a half pounds. I just don’t want any rumors floating around about a possible state record.

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