Wave buster Bobbers!!

  • Anonymous

    Spent last night chasing some Mille Lacs walleyes and had the pleasure of using the new “Wave Buster Bobbers”. I was throroughly impressed with the results. We spent the last hour of the evening throwing out slip bobbers. My partner for the evening had on a standard slip bobber and a leech and I was trying out the new wave buster bobber. Both set ups had the same offerings on each end. At about 9:00pm, the wind had slowed to a 15 mph out of the South. The Wave Buster looked as though it was motionless other than the horizontal movement from the wind. It literally busted through the waves verses riding up and over the waves like the standard slip bobber rig had done. The Wave Buster out produced the other float about 6 to 1 for the rest of the evening.

    A couple real nice features I liked about the bobber was that I had no tangles after the cast, the bobber went to its set depth immediately on each cast. Also, the long slender shape was an absolute dream to cast into the wind. It acts like a dart being thrown into the air, and because of its long skinny profile, very little resistance is needed for the fish to pull it down. For my first legitimate try with these new floats, I can honestly say that these will be seeing more water time from me in the future. For all you bobber fisherman out there, these are definately another tool to have in your arsenal of “cork artiliary”.

    Attached is a pic of one of many walleyes that fell victim to the Wave Buster…….

    Thank you Bruce Mosher! (creator and owner of the Wave Buster)


    Lets try that pic again!


    Thanks for the report DeeZee. Its nice to be able to learn about new products out on the market by someone who has just tested it instead of just by some manufacture stating that his product is this and that. It gives a much more “reality” to the words being said. Thanks for the photo also as it shows the product so we know what it looks like ”AND” gives the perfect setting with the boat and water and everything. Bill


    Thanks Steve!!

    I talked with Bruce last year at the eye expo. I’m always amazed when I see his ice bobbers, wavebusters or walking sinker solution. All it took was for a fisherman sick of his slip bobber freezing up to invent a very simple yet creative solution. Great job Bruce!!

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