Bottom bouncer/spinner rig

  • powereyes
    Elk River, MN
    Posts: 173

    Just curious as to what everyone uses in terms of rods and reels for pulling the heavier bottom bouncer/spinner rigs around on Mille Lacs? Also, any comments on line would be appreciated (main line and leaders). I have an outing planned for next week that I may be able to justify adding to the arsenal for. Thanks in advance for the info!

    On the water- Minnesota
    Posts: 5022

    I use 8 foot St.Croix Premier Med-Hvy casting rods. Main line spooled with 8/12 Fusion. 8 foot spinner on a three-way. I don’t like BB. They dont allow for good bottom contact, they drag too much and seem to twist the line too much. I tie my spinners with 8# Stren Magna-thin Green mono.

    Lake Minnetonka area
    Posts: 233

    What do you use for weight and how heavy?

    Posts: 351

    Welcome to IDA PowerEyes! I like to use baitcast rods and my two favorites are a 7′ med action St. Croix Avid with a Shimano Calcutta 250 on it and a G. Loomis 6’9″ GL3 with a Shimano Castaic on it. I really like Berkley Fireline Smoke 10/4 as it works very well for spinners, but it works equally well for long lining cranks! I use sliding bottom bouncers and Berkley Vanish leaders . Good Luck and some EYES! 690reece

    On the water- Minnesota
    Posts: 5022

    2 oz bell sinkers. Backtrolling at 1.5-1.8

    Posts: 1957

    Guys are using different set ups, I like my medium action 8′ shimano convergence with a sealine 17 spooled with 10-4 fireline. I also use 8 cabelas downrigger rods with sealines or accudepths spooled with fireline or power pro. Sufix braid is getting some good reviews as well. Fact of the matter is you don’t need the counters or any special rod, although the counters make setting the depth simple and the clicker is nice, nothing quite like hearing that clicker start going off!!. Any baitcaster will work, feel for bottom with the bouncer and reel up a few cranks and hang on!! As far as bouncers go I like 3 oz bouncers when pulling in 30’+ and 2 oz when pulling flats or structure. I like the 6′ snells w/ large blades, silver, copper and pearl white have been best in my boat. P.S. Green crawlers have been out fishing regulars at least 2-1.


    koldfront kraig
    Coon Rapids mn
    Posts: 1830

    I picked up a St. Croix Avid salmon and steelhead rod for bottom bouncing this spring.

    Avid AC80MF 3/8 – 3 oz., 8 foot length.

    Sweet rod.

    I figure it could be used this fall for pulling cranks too.

    Elk River, MN
    Posts: 173

    I typically use 1.5 to 3 oz. bottom bouncers. I have tried the slip version of bouncers and didn’t care for the excessive twist I was getting. However, I would guess that a larger diameter main line would reduce the amount of twist on those weights. As for the rods, is it really justifiable to spend significant money on a rod and then hang 3 oz. of weight on it? I am a finesse guy at heart and have always equated $$ spent on rods to sensitivity. So if you are cooking along at 1.1 to 1.3 miles per hour pulling blades behind 3 oz. of weight, how sensitive do you need to be?

    I am so ready to go cross some eyes!!!

    Chaska, MN
    Posts: 133


    I just returned from Canada where I used the single wire slip bouncers for the first time. I did not experience much line twist using 20lb Power Pro for my main line with a snap swivel and bead between my swivel and the interchangable bouncer clevis. Easy to change weight size and type.


    Cannon Falls, MN
    Posts: 534

    Do you use a longer drop leader when you use a 3 way over the mud ?

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Haveing spent many, many hours pulling bottom bouncers and spinners during my days in SD. I’m curious to the techinal reasons why you guys feel a 3 way fishes better?? I personally don’t care for 3 ways. I feel they make a bigger mess than a BB does.

    Maybe I need to give you some BB lessons.

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