Attn: Potential Fisherman Lake is Froze-In

  • eyefishing
    Posts: 61

    Sorry guys, as of last night the lake was froze in We checked Casino, Cove, Cedar on the east. My 250 lb buddy walked out 10′ in the casino landing. Ice is about 2″ thick. No getting out. Pic attached. That is a couple inches of clear ice in by the dock, not water.

    Posts: 61

    sorry guys, this site would not take my pics they are too big apparently. Guess you will have to take my word or call a resort for yourself.

    Calvin Svihel
    Northwest Metro, MN
    Posts: 3862

    I am sure there are some open areas on the lake!!! I will find one tonight!

    Calvin Svihel
    Northwest Metro, MN
    Posts: 3862

    send the picture to me I will get it on!

    Posts: 1573

    I just called and talked to Twin Pines and they said some people are still out Musky fishing and he doesnt see any ice up there.

    Posts: 27

    Garrison is ussually the last open launch I have found. I am planning on being up there Sunday. Please post if it is all froze up and save me the drive. I am not ready to quit fishing though.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13390

    Heard from 2 people that casino landing was froze in for about 30′. Would imagine a good 2″ thick after finding that on a local lake around my house. Nothing a good spud or chain saw couldnt handle.
    Then heard there was a good 6 or so empty trailers sitting at the pikes point landing. Would be heading there myself right now if it was not for the rain moving in.

    Bob Carlson
    Mille Lacs Lake (eastside), Mn.
    Posts: 2936

    Hey guy’s, I stopped by the access on Pikes POint Thursday noon. The ramp was open! in fact their were two rigs sitting in the lot.

    Sorry I added this to a “full moon post ” over on the general disc. board.

    Posts: 1573

    The casino landing did have about 2 inches of ice but after a little chiseling and backing the boat in a little ways and running the motor for a while we got it opened up.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13390

    So then what happened castaway? Same old thing?

    Posts: 1573

    Fishing was pretty good…If you like Tullibee

    Minneapolis, MN
    Posts: 1123

    I thinking about heading up tomorrow night and will be launching at garrison. Please keep us updated on the conditions as there are some fish to be caught.

    Stupid ice

    Bob Carlson
    Mille Lacs Lake (eastside), Mn.
    Posts: 2936


    Fishing was pretty good…If you like Tullibee

    The diving ducks have been busy out front…….that tells me that the tullibees are in on the shallow rocks out front!! Ya, I bet you snaged a few trolling…..

    My harbor is starting to open up with the warm temperatures today.

    Good luck guy’s!!

    Posts: 2294

    Once the tulibee move in the walleyes are pretty much history till ice up.

    Muskies on the other hand, can be very good.

    Bob Carlson
    Mille Lacs Lake (eastside), Mn.
    Posts: 2936


    Once the tulibee move in the walleyes are pretty much history till ice up.

    Your right Jack!

    Year’s ago when we netted Tullibee in the fall. The DNR would do test netting checking for game fish in the shallows. Once their nets failed to hold any walleye and northerns they would open the season. Normally that would be around the 1st of November. The walleye can’t handle the skum from thier spawning left in the water……..ish!

    Posts: 604

    based on your opinion as someone who knows/lives the lake really well…are there are spots that you know of that don’t have tulibee spawning near it? i am thinking about heading up tomorrow night and wondered if it is worth my time? PM me if you need to. thanks, any info would be great.

    Bob Carlson
    Mille Lacs Lake (eastside), Mn.
    Posts: 2936

    Typically the walleye more out into deeper water while the Tullibee are in the shallows.

    Posts: 1573

    Yea the Tullibee are thick on the reefs.We did snag a couple and you could feel them hitting your line when you were trolling by.We did pickup a couple Walleyes a 24 & 20 but it was slow.Well it was a great year and I spent many days on the pond but now you can stick a fork in me,Im done.The boat is winterized and packed away.This is a very sad day Time to get the ice stuff ready.See ya on the pond

    Bob Carlson
    Mille Lacs Lake (eastside), Mn.
    Posts: 2936

    In some ways thats good that the Tullibee is on the come back! We have had some down years for some time. The summer that many died off due to water temperatures. The DNR has had a closed season on tullibee netting for the past few years also. The winter tullibee catch has also been down.

    Its all good!!! except the fact that this activity puts a damper on the trolling…….for a few weeks anyway

    Come on ice fishing!!!!!

    Posts: 604

    how deep are we talking? out on the outside edges of the weeds (10-12ft) or deeper than that? it sounds like the tullibees like the shallows and the rocks…if so, could find deeper weed edges still holding walleyes that would take a HJ or rogue?

    Posts: 2294

    If I were going to try to fish that pattern, I would start where the mid-depth shelf drops into the basin. Look at a map, and you will see that on the east and south sides of the lake, all the shallow reefs sit on top of a large shelf. Where that shelf drops into the basin is where you will have to start your search. You will need to do a bit of scouting using your electronics to find the fish, and they can be pretty tight to the bottom, so watch them closely. There is a great article in this latest edition of Outdoor News about this very subject. It was written by Ron Anluf. Check it out. Ron wrote that article based on his experiences on Mille Lacs. If I get the chance, I’ll check and see if it is on the net, and if so, I’ll come back and post a link to it.

    Posts: 1573

    Im not sure how old these Tullibee are but the ones we caught were 10-12 inchers and appeared to be a lot of em.Good to see the little stinkers making a come back.Might have to get the smoker ready if they ever open the season back up.I guess the walleyes dont like the smell either

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13390

    Went up tonight and did a little checking around on this first hand. I zeroed tonight. Not even a bite. Last friday night the fish where on the chew in these areas. Just like some one turned the switch off. If you are going to head up you might want to plan on the run and gun method. Checking lots of areas quickly to se if it is producing. Other wise look into a different pattern. What has worked all fall was not working tonight for me.

    On the other hand I am glad I went tonight. This is my last boat trip up there this fall. Planning on casting a long awaited line into pool 2 tomorrow. It has been a blast up there this year and looking forward to many to come. Even that i got skunked big time tonight it just would not of been the same with out one last trip.

    Castaway. Was that your lamp I saw in Shaw bush kung tonight?

    Posts: 1573

    Wasnt me I caught enough Tullibee last night

    Isle Mn
    Posts: 953

    if the tullibee are on the upswing as far as numbers go that would explain the off bite for muskies this year!

    Not that it was a bad year but nothing like the past, chalk it up to an array of things I guess, pressure, high bait fish, warm ok, HOT water for the summer.

    I will be up on the pond fishing on ice as soon as it allows, like I mentioned before. I have my shack at hunters anyone that will be up give me a holler!

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