Wow! 28 posts when I got home tonight! Must have struck a nerve. Didn’t need to rustle any walleye tails, but I have a few observations so far this year:
1. I have seen more schooling baitfish this fall than I have EVER seen before in the lake. Many of them look like lake run shiners or tulibee. They are silver, and all fricking over! Mainly shorelines over rock and sand. Perch are over and in the weeds, and in the many channels coming into the lake via creeks, harbors, etc.
Many of the walleye I have gotten, and seen gotten have come in bunches. Many doubles, and time between next bites was long(er).
Many of the fish caught in my boat have been similar in size/age class.
I have seen these areas carrying minnows spread over a very long ways. This I believe is why the bite has been sporadic, and not concentrated in a particular area FOR THE MOST PART! Obviously, there are contradictions to that.
For you who were ticked off or upset about my wonderment about “Big Girls” this time of year was the fact (As mentioned ealier) this is when the fish over 28″ are caught with some regularity. These are the fish I am targeting. And they will be this coming week. I have faith in that. I have been enjoying this bite since 1980. Just a few years ago, the only lights we would see on the lake were folks we knew. Now, this year, every resort around the lake is sold out. Not that there is anything wrong with that. I just find it interesting that fewer big girls are being caught this year, as opposed to years past. I am going to try different water this time around. I think I stumbled on to something last time I was up, and plan to see if the bait fish situation can be used to our advantage. This is the fun part for me. Adjusting, and finding them again! 
See y’all up there! 