No big girlz???

  • chris-tuckner
    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    Wow! Here we are a few days beofre the big October full moon, and no pictures or reports of piggies!
    What is the problem?
    Holst…knock-knock……Anything going on?
    Bob, let him use your puter, and bring us up to speed.

    Posts: 203

    I second the motion….we need some teaser pics out here!

    Isle Mn
    Posts: 953

    here is a SOILD 27″ that I swear went 8-9 lbs!

    stupid camera phone doesn’t work to well at night I guess

    koldfront kraig
    Coon Rapids mn
    Posts: 1830

    Tuesday night Castaway and I got a 25 1/2 and a 26 on the east side.

    Last night on the west side we got a 22, 23 1/2 and a 26 1/2.

    It seems like the big girls are more out in the rocks yet. We haven’t caught a fish over 22 1/2 trolling weeds this year.

    Oh yea, I almost forgot about the

    27 1/2 Ranger29 bagged a couple weeks ago.

    Mantorville, MN
    Posts: 3666

    And I thought this post was going to be about drinking at the bars

    Posts: 61

    Yes that is the problem this year. When guys are taking pictures or even talking about 25-27″ fish you know it has been a poor fall for big fish. (Note: I am talking about poor fish not ripping on the fellows above)In past years we refuse to use the camera or net on anything less than 28″ because the rest of the fish are just so common. So far this year the net and camera could have been left home and I have made a lot of trips already. Going to be tough big fish bite this time.

    koldfront kraig
    Coon Rapids mn
    Posts: 1830

    You make it sound like It’s pure hell only catching 4, 5 and 6 pound walleyes. Like theres no joy in it at all. It must all business in your boat.

    I’ve fished with some guys this year that have never done the fall night thing on Mille acs. Guys that don’t catch very many big fish. To them AND to me those are nice fish.On most any lake they are.

    Yes I would like to hit the 28 plus fish but I’ll take anything I can get. I just like to get out and enjoy the lake and fish with good people.

    The rest on the fall I’m going to take pictures of 4 pound fish, and use my landing net to net 15 inch fish and I’m going to smile and giggle like a kid every time I do.

    Isle Mn
    Posts: 953

    yup 27″ 8-9lb walleyes are very “COMMON”

    I have fished this lake for only 15yrs now and I don’t remember the last time I saw them this FAT!!

    Calvin Svihel
    Northwest Metro, MN
    Posts: 3862

    Hey skindog, I think that has been bottled up for a long time!!!!!
    I agree with you 100%. If you are sick and tired of catching smaller fish, go pheasant hunting!!! I am fine with catching good numbers of any sized fish! This is fishing and yes it should be good right now for the “big girlz”, however they are not showing up yet. I don’t think someone should be complaining about not catching any fish over 26″ or whatever size. Most people don’t get a chance to catch a walleye over 20″ and anything over that size is a trophy to them. So if you are not satisfied with they way the bite has been going this fall, go and do something else, leave the fish alone, and let people catch them who enjoy catching fish and are not disappointed with catching fish.
    I am upset that I hear complaints about catching fish, hey it could be a lot worse. We are lucky to have such a great fishery outside our backdoors for most people. Take advantage of it, go catch some fish and if you get a trophy in your opionon, congrats! Take a picture, release her our have it mounted! Do whatever you want because its your right you caught the fish!
    Just my 2 cents.

    Calvin Svihel
    Northwest Metro, MN
    Posts: 3862

    I forgot to mention this rant is not directed towards anyone involved in this post, its general conversation that i have been hearing this fall!
    I hope i have not affeneded anyone with this little rant!
    And sorry if I did!

    Posts: 61

    sorry to offend Kraig, small fish are not pure hell, just not why I fish this specific body of water this paticular time of year.

    as far as getting those 15’s get as you can because the window to catch them trolling after dark is closing very quickly. You might have a week, 2 tops. Then poof that bite will be gone quicker than it arrived.

    Circle Pines, MN
    Posts: 608


    sorry to offend Kraig, small fish are not pure hell, just not why I fish this specific body of water this paticular time of year.

    as far as getting those 15’s get as you can because the window to catch them trolling after dark is closing very quickly. You might have a week, 2 tops. Then poof that bite will be gone quicker than it arrived.


    Champlin, Mn
    Posts: 2128


    as far as getting those 15’s get as you can because the window to catch them trolling after dark is closing very quickly. You might have a week, 2 tops. Then poof that bite will be gone quicker than it arrived.

    You’re kidding right?

    Posts: 61

    No sir Steve, would never kid about something as serious as walleye!!! How have you been? Wondering when I would hear from you next. How was the Columbia river, did you make the trip? Haven’t talked to you since I went to Erie. You missed a heck of a good week on Erie this year! Weather and fishing was exceptional. Would love to hear some Columbia reports some time.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370


    as far as getting those 15’s get as you can because the window to catch them trolling after dark is closing very quickly. You might have a week, 2 tops. Then poof that bite will be gone quicker than it arrived.

    You’re kidding right?

    Eyes you are kidding right

    Yeah just like the open water trolling bite ends in late July……. There are many people here on this site that were still boating Piggies until late August, trolling down deep !

    Eyes, that is one thing I learned very quickly, there is no way you can perdict a bite or fishing to a T. If you can, let me in on your secret . I fished this Fall bite last year all the way until a week before freeze up. I caught fish from 14″ all the way up to 27″ in mid November. And I’m guessing once there is 3-4″ of ice out there, these fish are still on the chew!

    Posts: 61

    Lip-I appreciate your opionion, but yes I actually can and do continue to predict the fishing with very good accuracy. But like anything else it depends on many variables includine where, depth, structure, tactics and many other things. I’m headed fishing, good luck to all.

    koldfront kraig
    Coon Rapids mn
    Posts: 1830

    Eyefishings real name is the amazing Kreskin! Mind reader and fortune teller!

    Posts: 1957

    HUH? First off, 28+ fish aren’t real common, they’re out there and people catch them but it’s not as if it’s a “Fall free for all” 28+ bite, never has been. All the sudden I’m SPEECHLESS.


    Posts: 15

    here is a big girl that went 28″ from east side this fall. Ranger29 put us right on the fish and i had to show him up that night

    Posts: 15

    maybe it will work this time

    Posts: 15

    nice little piggy

    Calvin Svihel
    Northwest Metro, MN
    Posts: 3862

    Not only do I put you on fish, but i take a good picture as well!!
    How many fish did you catch that night?????

    Posts: 15

    2 one went 8″ and the other was 28″ :whistling

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Nice Fish Swamp Trout

    Bob Carlson
    Mille Lacs Lake (eastside), Mn.
    Posts: 2936

    I talked with Wade from JollyAnn Marine today……he released a big girl just under 28 last night!!!

    I have not heard from Mr.Holst……..

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    I told Wade he couldn’t get in my boat unless he had the fish all spotted for me!!!

    Posts: 2294

    For what it is worth guys. If your night bite doesn’t materialize, there are some nicer (24″-27″) fish being pulled off the west side of Center Bar during the day running Reefrunners about 25-30 feet down off the edge.

    Posts: 29

    I caught one very early Tuesday morning that taped out at 28″ and weighed 8lbs 8oz. Caught it on a suspending super-rogue in the lazercraw pattern. I will post the picture but its too big…once I get my wife to help re-size the picture I will post it.

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    Wow! 28 posts when I got home tonight! Must have struck a nerve. Didn’t need to rustle any walleye tails, but I have a few observations so far this year:

    1. I have seen more schooling baitfish this fall than I have EVER seen before in the lake. Many of them look like lake run shiners or tulibee. They are silver, and all fricking over! Mainly shorelines over rock and sand. Perch are over and in the weeds, and in the many channels coming into the lake via creeks, harbors, etc.

    Many of the walleye I have gotten, and seen gotten have come in bunches. Many doubles, and time between next bites was long(er).

    Many of the fish caught in my boat have been similar in size/age class.

    I have seen these areas carrying minnows spread over a very long ways. This I believe is why the bite has been sporadic, and not concentrated in a particular area FOR THE MOST PART! Obviously, there are contradictions to that.

    For you who were ticked off or upset about my wonderment about “Big Girls” this time of year was the fact (As mentioned ealier) this is when the fish over 28″ are caught with some regularity. These are the fish I am targeting. And they will be this coming week. I have faith in that. I have been enjoying this bite since 1980. Just a few years ago, the only lights we would see on the lake were folks we knew. Now, this year, every resort around the lake is sold out. Not that there is anything wrong with that. I just find it interesting that fewer big girls are being caught this year, as opposed to years past. I am going to try different water this time around. I think I stumbled on to something last time I was up, and plan to see if the bait fish situation can be used to our advantage. This is the fun part for me. Adjusting, and finding them again!

    See y’all up there!

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