Yeah, whatever, it that point up there where I troll at night by one of them there resorts i’ve launched out of. Going from memory if that explains anything. All I know is its about the only point up that way.
Give Hooks a break, he is left handed ya know hard to remember which way is left or right, east or west, up or down, you get it! Hey honey, we going out to eat Wednesday night still
Yeah, a guy makes one little mistake and all hell breaks loose. Good thing you didn’t ask where the liqour store in Malmo was, although the liquor store is one tenth of the town!
Dave if they pick on you, you just email me and I will tell you where the “goodies” are to sabatoge (sp) some beds Someone else taught me how to do it!! Tuck likes things thrown in his sleeping bag….. so I have heard.
Denise, I hear you will be walking on the 17th….I will be up at Mille Lacs….You may be finding things for a very long time if you are not nice to me! I know where you