We had a batchlor party this weekend and we stayed at Pike Point Resort. We managed to get a little fishing in on Saturday night with “Our Capie” the guide out of the resort. We fished on a flat about 2 miles out and were greated with good results. We had 18 guys that went out. I think when all was said and done we had 30-35 walleyes, the biggest being 26″, a few 19″-20″ and the rest were on the small side. Lots of fun had by all. Our guide did a great job putting us on fish, and dealing with all of us. He said it was the first time a KEG STAND had been done on his boat . Thanks again for the great time “Capie”… Congrats to good friend Mick on his upcomming wedding
August 22, 2005 at 3:48 pm