I was able to get out with a couple buddies on Sat., one who has never been on Mille Lacs or caught a walleye. I’m thinking the Empty Stringer must pull one out .
Once the lines were set they look at me for more directions, I tell them to sit back, relax, and wait.It didn’t take long and I yell “Fish On”!! With a little coaching the newbie catches his first walleye, a nice 26″.
At this point I realize we have no camera,what a dumb—.
Not much later and the clicker starts screaming,”Fish On”!
Troy grabs hold and I watch my trolling rod bend like never before. What seemed like a 1\2 hr later I finally get a net under her,a 29″ beauty.( No Camera-dumb—).
Total for the day,21″ 23″ 26″ 29″ and two more lost just out of netting range.Good times were had by all and nobody got sea sick.