We Need Your Feedback!

  • muskiemachinery
    Posts: 16

    As a Muskies Inc. At-Large Director in the 80’s, believe me when I say the amount of work and support given to the DNR during that time frame is now paying BIG dividends for the Muskie resource. People like Bob Strand and Rod Ramsell and many many others from the Mn. DNR put it all on the line for this program. How many of us would risk our careers for an ideal? It is time for us to stand up and have the courage to take the next step and support a 54 inch minimum on the Primer Muskie Lake(Mille Lacs) in the U.S. If you don’t believe me read some of the Wisconsin boards to verify. We need to make a statement with a 54 inch minimum to show everyone that we are committed to this resource and will back a large minimum to protect it.

    Steve Voigt

    1105-6th Ave.

    Worthington, Mn.



    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    I’d say 50″ just for the easy number to remember.

    Posts: 37

    I’m all for the 48″ and would definetly support 50″ 52″ or 54″, and a statewide change would be huge steps forward as well.

    I beleive the monster you guys are referring to was caught by the MuskieBreath Guide Service and went a Whopping 51″x29″, they also put another monster in the boat later in the year… OOOOOH MY…

    You all seem like a good group.


    Matt Bauer

    10796 Tamarack Cr

    Coon Rapids, MN 55433

    esox23 at comcast dot net

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 43

    Increase it to 50″. anything we can do to help the sport and the fishery would be great. They should do it to all of minnesota so the population and size of these fish can increase for future musky chasers.

    Posts: 2

    48″ limit is great in theory. Unfortunately, selective harvest is needed. I suppose on Mille Lacs the Indian nets take care of some of that however 48″ limits don’t lead to bigger fish just longer fish. Need proof of this theory compare Bald Eagle Lake to White Bear Lake. 2 lakes nearly side by side BE has a 48″ limit and has plenty ‘o skinny fish not WB where you will regularly find 40″ fish with 18-20 girths. Is it due to the regs? Who knows. Just my 2ยข

    Jason Sturm
    Hugo, MN

    Posts: 16

    Do you honestly believe that there is a shortage of forage in Mille Lacs? If the Muskies ONLY ate Eelpout they wouldn’t even make a dent in that population not to mention all the other forage fish in that lake. Come on!!!!!!!!!!
    Steve Voigt

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    Just want to say WELCOME to the IDA to the new musky hunters we have here!!!!

    As for girth or weight of fish, that is one of two things. Genetics or food. It is odd that WB and Forest lake fish are different in girth. Very odd.

    The food in Mille lacs is very abundant for muskies. The weights are coming due to having the “right kind of food”.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18101

    And I can’t wait for you to put me on a 54″ fish Gary!!!! I’d support any minimum 50″ or 52″.

    Central MN
    Posts: 3817

    I to want to welcome all the Musky guys and I thank you for your responses. I will be printing this forum on Monday, February 7th, so get your responses in before then.

    As for the skinny fish, there is not a shortage of forage in Mille Lacs for Muskie, and I don’t see there being in the future. In fact, I can’t ever remember seeing a Muskie from Mille Lacs that hasn’t looked like it was in great shape, even in 2001 when the walleye were in tough shape.

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    You are correct Scott. It was 2001 when I hooked a 49″ out of there that tipped the scales just shy of 35lbs.

    There is a TON of food for them.

    Posts: 2294

    An added positive to the food equation is that the tulibee numbers are starting to show a rise on Mille Lacs this year also. They are a very good food source, and should rebound in numbers quite well.

    Posts: 40

    Keep it simple, 48 inch statewide, 1 law for the whole state! Sometimes I feel we are getting alittle carried away with “special regs” for what seems like every other lake in the state. Many times the casual fisherman doesn’t even know the lake they’re on has special regs.

    Posts: 1


    Pretty simple response here from me. I’m all for it. Most know that Mille Lacs muskies grow very well — and there is no doubt it is a trophy fishery. With growth rates as such and recognition as such, a proactive size limit for muskies is a no-brainer.

    My only additional thought is that the limit should likely be set higher, although 48 a step in the right direction.


    Central MN
    Posts: 3817

    Pete, first let me say welcome aboard. The 48 inch number was just kind of pulled out of the air. We are open to suggestions, thus the reason for my post. The DNR is very open to suggestions and after the meeting I promised them feedback. I am very happy to be getting such a good response. Thank you all!

    On the water- Minnesota
    Posts: 5022

    I think a change is imminent with the responses we are getting and its nice to see all the activity here. I’m in favor for a 50 inch or better reg.

    Welcome to IDA Pete. I caught your Longville spot the other night.. Nice fatties..

    Posts: 1

    I’m all for it. Actually I believe it should be a state wide limit. I’d like to see it much higher but 48″ right now is a great step forward.


    Crystal, Mn.
    Posts: 1268

    48″s works for me.
    One Question though. Being a tourney guy, how and would this affect tourneys in anyway?
    They are catch and release, but just wondering?

    Posts: 2


    Do you honestly believe that there is a shortage of forage in Mille Lacs? If the Muskies ONLY ate Eelpout they wouldn’t even make a dent in that population not to mention all the other forage fish in that lake. Come on!!!!!!!!!!
    Steve Voigt

    Where did I say anything about a shortage for forage in Mille Lacs? Or Bald Eagle for that matter? They are both full of forage. Bald Eagle has 150-200 fish houses on it every winter if there weren’t panfish nobody would be there. Anyway, it is likely wrong to compare these two vastly different ecosystems. I am all for CPR and have never kept a Muskie, just stating that 100% CPR doesn’t mean we’re going to get 75″ Muskies in the future there always must be some selective harvest.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 2570

    Harvest: I think a good amount of “harvest” occurs via fish dying after being mis-handled, etc. Plenty of fish are killed this way every year on lakes that receive lots of pressure.

    Tourneys: I’m not a big fan of muskie tournaments, but I understand that most do not require transport of the fish (i.e. judge boat comes to you). It is my understanding that you can hold a fish in your net or livewell until the judge boat gets to you, and that’s OK regardless of limits. Either way, I think it’s a bad idea to put the interests of tournaments before those of the fishery.


    Posts: 16

    Ok we agree it isn’t forage. What then is your point that a 48 minimum causes the fish in Bald Eagle to be skinny. To many Muskies? I may be dense but I don’t see any correlation between a 48 inch minimum and a negative effect on the fisheries.

    Resides on the North Shores of Mille Lacs--guiding on Farm Island these days
    Posts: 1294

    I vote for a TOTAL catch and release of Mille Lacs muskies.

    I would also vote for banning anyone who DOES keep one, from the lake!

    I would hope this (total catch and release)would curtail the killing of fish by the pontoon troller(s) on the north end sand. Not only does he purposely allow fish to be kept but the way they release those fish at trolling speed, simply dumping them over the side and trolling away, is a shame and needs to be viewed as potential wanton waste! With an on shore wind blowing, those fish are belly up all the way to the beach. I know…I’ve intercepted several over the years and revived them before the inevitable happened.

    Total catch and release! AND police the obvious abusers of the fishery!

    Steve Fellegy
    NPAA #49

    Crystal, Mn.
    Posts: 1268


    Nice to see you found the site.
    I prefer to troll for the toothy critters and do agree, you need to take some care in releasing the fish. No excuse to leave that fish before it can swim away healthy on its own.

    Milan Il
    Posts: 407

    Scott ,
    I hate to sound like a broken record ,but I also am all in favor of 48″ but would prefer 50 or more,who’s ego is so big they would need to kill such a fish.

    Posts: 1573

    I very seldom fish em but 50 sounds good.A fish over 50 I would consider a trophy and would probably release anyway and get a replica made unless it was a state record under 50 I dont consider a trophy but you can still get a replica made.Total catch and release No!!!

    Ramsey, MN
    Posts: 4032

    I am in favor of the 50″ minimum. I don’t think many people would keep one smaller than that, but it is still good to put restrictions in place and protect these monsters. My Dad alway told me a muskie is like a fine wine. The older they are, the better they taste. Never eaten one and never will.

    Wahkon, Minn.
    Posts: 38

    I am against a 48″ regulation. after all of the money that we spend on equipment for the sport i believe that the 40″ mark is enough. i dont mean to start a fire here but since i am still looking for my first i am desperate. these fish are very difficult to catch. maybe a 42 inch minimum or 45 inch but not 48. i understand that we can now get replicas and many people think they look the same and mean the same. but not for me. i dont think i would ever get a replica, it is not only because i dont think they look the same but a replica also doesn’t do justice for me. it is not even the fish that you caught. i believe that if you put a fish back and you are going to get a replica, i say dont waste your money. just put a blown up picture on your wall. it is cheeper and at least you are looking at a REAL fish. i think that if we get a 48″ minimum length than the DNR should also make a point restriction on bucks so we get more and bigger bucks. how many of you would support this topic. how about a 10 point buck or bigger. as one of my favorite comedians have said. it is like wiping before you poop, it just makes no sence. i am sorry to all of you fisherman out there that like this proposal. i live on the lake in wahkon bay and still cand even get a 20″ ski. i have had many follows and i cant see what i am doing wrong, i really hope this doesnt happen.

    Posts: 16

    I’ll trade ya a set of golf clubs gathering dust in my garage for your Muskie gear.(no extra charge for the cobwebs) Really sounds like the golf course is the perfect place for you. (this little guy is practicing wiping before he poops)

    Resides on the North Shores of Mille Lacs--guiding on Farm Island these days
    Posts: 1294


    If you want to be a muskie hunter, you need to learn a couple things–beyond how to boat muskies.

    1. Learn what a true muskie hunter is and how he views his sport. You need to think( and act) like a true, pure muskie hunter.
    2. You need to learn the muskie fishery biology. Then, for your own future well being and success as a muskie hunter, you will think twice about killing a fish for mounting.

    Muskie hunting is FAR beyond putting fish on the wall. If you can’t understand that or “feel” that, stay away from the muskies!

    Please feel free to contact me to talk Mille Lacs muskies. Heck, let’s go fishin’ sometime together!
    But please, don’t kill a Mille Lacs muskie.

    Steve Fellegy

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11374

    Although I do not agree with “fish4fish’s” post, I do believe that everyone has a right to post their opinion. I also believe a “trophy is in th eye of the beholder” or catcher in this case. So I repect you posting your opinion on this subject. I would also back you in a heart beat if the DNR implemented a minimum buck size. Although I disagree with the 10 point size. There is a big majority of the buck population in this couuntry through its genetics, available forage, etc. that will never grow 10 points, therefore I would be more in favor of a 8 point minimum size. Also growing bigger bucks goes way deeper than just shooting only the trophy deer. It goes into the herds well being, sex ratio’s, herd population, genetics, QDM, etc. Again here a trophy is in th eeye of the hunter here. What could be a trophy for one hunter, may not be for another. For example I consider a 125 or better class Deer a trophy for Bow and Arrow, but would only consider a 140 or better for a rifle. Would I shoot a deer under those scores…. Possible depending on the situation and deer.

    Again thanks for sharing your opinion, that is what makes IDA so great. Everyone has that right here.

    On the water- Minnesota
    Posts: 5022

    fish4fish, My first Mille lacs Muskie was 40 inches. It really isn’t a big fish at all compare to whats in the lake. Once you get your first one, its almost like golfing and you try to beat that score, it gets addicting. There are areas out of Garrison where I use to live that produced 5 fish days for us. I’m now in Wahkon Bay and it just gets too much pressure, those bay fish have seen it all. It gets better in the fall and after dark. I also think we are definitely going to see a reg change before June.

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