Thank you Dennis Anderson for writing this…. It’s nice to see a mainstream media member who gets it
IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » Minnesota Lakes & Rivers » Mille Lacs Lake » Caught in the Crossfire
Caught in the Crossfire
April 18, 2014 at 7:16 am #1404949
This failure to speak frankly about all elements at play at the lake — not just its zebra mussels and burgeoning smallmouth bass and northern pike populations, among other topics — has significantly undercut the agency’s credibility.
Amen to that!
fishdalePosts: 406April 18, 2014 at 7:34 am #1404952Quote:
Better that these fishing specialists plead their case with the governor or legislators, who often are sympathetic to common-sense arguments, if only in election years, which this is.
I liked this quote.
April 18, 2014 at 9:38 am #1404968No bowfishing for carp.
This just slays me.
This lake quota debacle is akin to watching a drunk run a bar.basseyesPosts: 2653April 18, 2014 at 10:11 am #1404971Credibility and trust go a long, long way in challenging situations like this.
To bad the mn dnr has done little to prove either to be true to its constituents.
I have complete faith that if it comes back it will have nothing to do with what the dnr does or doesn’t do.
April 18, 2014 at 10:20 am #1404974Quote:
Credibility and trust go a long, long way in challenging situations like this.
To bad the mn dnr has done little to prove either to be true to its constituents.
I have complete faith that if it comes back it will have nothing to do with what the dnr does or doesn’t do.
I couldn’t agree more!
basseyesPosts: 2653April 18, 2014 at 11:59 am #1404992Begrudgingly I get the enforcement issue with muskie fishing at night. But even still that is an easy check imo. But restricting the carp guys, that makes little to no sense at all? Another notch in the belt for more distrust of the dnr’s true intentions and knock against sportsmen trusting what they are doing. Carp are a non indigenous and invasive species, that like DA said, has nothing to do with walleye fishing. Another easy check for CO’s. We all know they are dodging the elephant in the room. I don’t think the elephant in the room is the only problem. But Erie and Red should be glaring examples of past problems with certain seasonal and harvest means.
Show us a logical science based factual thought process please mn dnr! This makes no sense and is further dividing the gap for us sportsmen in trusting you have any clue with how to deal with this issue, as well as future challenges.
April 18, 2014 at 1:02 pm #1404936Transparency
Until then keep attacking the DNR until they get it.
deertrackerPosts: 9271April 18, 2014 at 4:25 pm #1405030Quote:
This lake quota debacle is akin to watching a drunk run a bar.
I like this one……..
April 18, 2014 at 7:18 pm #1405043Well I think I will remove the rods from my boat and take some long slow trips off shore late at night. No law against that. A chance to see my tax dollars at work.
deertrackerPosts: 9271April 18, 2014 at 8:09 pm #1405049Just watch out for the boats out there fishing after 10 with no lights on. I saw it multiple times in high school when I would be cruising back to my cabin from my buddies resort. I think that will be more common this summer.
DTApril 23, 2014 at 6:17 am #1405649The DNR is just doing what the tribes and certain members of our legislature want. Take away the fishing & turn the area business around the lake into worthless land with no property value, so they can buy it up cheap, once everybody goes under. Big picture…. it’s not about “bringing back the lake” it’s about “driving & keeping people away”
April 23, 2014 at 5:16 pm #1405797Quote:
The DNR is just doing what the tribes and certain members of our legislature want. Take away the fishing & turn the area business around the lake into worthless land with no property value, so they can buy it up cheap, once everybody goes under. Big picture…. it’s not about “bringing back the lake” it’s about “driving & keeping people away”
I don’t think the state of a fishery has much influence on property values one way or the other. The bust in the housing and cabin market had nothing to do with how good or bad the fishing was in 2008.April 27, 2014 at 2:28 pm #1406564Quote:
when the dnr shut down url it sure seemed like the property prices dropped and when the crappie boom started they went back up just my 2 cents if there is fish people will come if there is no fish they will go to where there is fish
Also I think there is no comparison between the Mille Lacs and Upper Red Lake real estate markets. Upper Red Lake is in the middle of nowhere.This close to the cities do you think the majority of people who buy lake places do it primarily for the fishing or even for a second or third most reason ? I don’t.
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