Report for The Red Door Resort 1-20-14

  • Red Door 1
    North Shore Mille Lacs in Wealthwood
    Posts: 713

    Report for The Red Door Resort 1-20-14
    we now have roads plowed to the following areas out on the mud. Weimer, Bombeck, and the north and south ends of Resort Flats. We also have roads along the shoreline break both east and west of the resort from the 24 fow out and the 28 fow areas. We are still experiencing areas of water under the deep heavy snow. We are not always able to get to where one might want his fish house located, but close by! The fishing reports have been on the slow side. A few large perch have been reported in the 13-14 inch range! Along with many small perch that are being seen on the cameras. This past weekend we were able to handle the wheelhouses. Some needed areas plowed out while others were able to get off our roads on their own.

    Bob “Bobber” Carlson

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