Mac’s Twin Bay update

  • kmcquoid
    Posts: 17

    1/3/14: Ice has grown a bit and we have some more roads plowed. Now pulling to A, B, C, D, and the crappie bed. Roads and driveways we’ve plowed are coming along nicely–still ranges from 12″-20″ depending on which road. All size trucks are good to go, as long as you stay on the roads and stick to the 10 mph limit. Sorry, but no wheeled houses yet. You can head out with a portable if you fish off the road.

    We will continue to pull houses over the weekend. After the cold snap we should be able to pull all size houses. We also should be moving out as far out as Road I shortly but still dealing with some slush which is limiting our ability to get to places we usually place houses and roads. We thank you for your patience and thank our crew for all their hard work already this year.

    Calvin Svihel
    Northwest Metro, MN
    Posts: 3862

    Thank you for the update!

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