Oct 1st to 4th

  • stuart
    Posts: 3681

    Four ft waves,rain and howling winds for the days we fished.Tough conditions to say the least.Thanks to spot lock we set up and drifted 7 to 8 inch sucker to wind blown breaks and weed beds picking up a few fish in each spot.
    The biggest smallie came in at 22 inch 6 lbs even.Biggest eye we got was 26.5 .
    The fish puked up 5inch perch and were packed with them.Will be back up in a week or two and it should be on fire.

    Nevis, MN
    Posts: 5116

    Awesome smallie! I’m sure you posted it but where were you?

    Posts: 214

    Thanks for the report…good to know there are still fish in there.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Looks like you got the whole “posing with fish” down much better then in the past.

    Mille Lacs does look a little stubborn in the background though.

    I’m thinking you guys had a ball, wind or no wind.

    Eden Prairie
    Posts: 857

    What a huge smallmouth

    One day I hope to catch one 22″ up there. Might have to try the Fall bite to to it.

    Tim J
    Duluth, MN
    Posts: 539

    Sounds like you’re on Mille Lacs? How big a boat you running in there? Looks similar to the size of mine and I’ve been a wimp about going up there with my boat.

    Posts: 3681

    Yes,Mille Lacs,running a 17.7 ft.G-3,taking our time going out and coming in.

    Jack Naylor
    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 5668

    Hi Stuart
    Nice job toughing it out for some nice fish.
    22″ SM, Awesome, I’m due for another of the same. They are sure fun.
    Heading to Wyo in the a.m. from alex with a friend for 4 days of hunting starting thurs morning.
    i’ll call you next week.

    Posts: 179

    nice fish stuart our group is going up on the 11th for our fall get together I will probably will not be there do to back problems again good luck on your next trip let me know how you did

    Posts: 3681

    Jack give me a call and maybe do a day run fishing.Enjoy your hunt.Good luck!
    Darren you need to get that back better.i have missed seeing you guys up there.Going to try and make it up a time or two before ice up.

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