Mille Lacs can’t last if politicians won’t step in

  • jon_jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    From today’s Star Tribune.

    Anderson: Resources such as Mille Lacs can’t last if politicians won’t step in

    Updated: August 13, 2013 – 9:27 PM

    If management of Mille Lacs walleyes this year can be considered an experiment — and in many ways it can — the results are in.

    Not results about whether the relatively few small (mostly male) walleyes are recovering in the big lake. Nor results shedding light on whether Mille Lacs’ overall walleye population is becoming more balanced, with fewer large fish compared to those under 17 inches, or even compared to walleyes 18-20 inches, the legal slot this year, with a limit of two.

    No, this has been a different kind of experiment, more of a sociological exercise that determined — however unintentionally — whether Minnesota walleye anglers really are so enamored with Mille Lacs that they will fish the lake even if they (a) have little chance of catching a walleye they can take home, especially if (b) they have options to fish other lakes or rivers where they can catch walleyes to eat.

    Put another way, the experiment asked this question: Just how dumb are Mille Lacs walleye anglers?

    Turns out the answer is, “Not very.”

    The evidence has been apparent nearly every day this summer on the lake and around it — in area bait shops, gas stations and especially resorts.

    “My business is down 100 percent during the weekdays … not 80, not 90, 100 percent,” Greg Thomas of Gregory’s Resort recently told the Mille Lacs Messenger.

    Also from that newspaper:

    “Launch service business is definitely down,” said Tina Chapman, executive director of Mille Lacs Area Tourism. “People using public accesses and private launch sites are down, too. You can see that by the lack of traffic on the lake.”

    While it’s true the last straw for Mille Lacs this year was what is commonly referred to around the lake as the “2 and 2” deal — meaning the lakes two-walleye limit and 2-inch (18-20) slot — the bigger issue by far has been the lack of political leadership among state and tribal leaders over the past dozen years or so, since the Chippewa prevailed 5-4 in the U.S. Supreme Court over off-reservation hunting and fishing rights.

    Each should have known, or should have learned in the intervening years, that even the states’ premier walleye lake can’t satisfy indefinitely the many competing interests now looking to benefit from it.

    Meaning area businesses, sport anglers, the Chippewa — in any order a person wants to arrange them.

    Blame the DNR? Go ahead. But the agency was dealt an impossible hand and can’t win. Throw in high gas prices. The late ice-out. Whatever. They’re all minor issues.

    Here’s the problem:

    Absent state and national leaders with equal parts backbone, knowledge and passion, resources such as Mille Lacs — and the boundary waters and the state’s grasslands and wetlands, among many others — will over time become increasingly fought over and, ultimately, depleted.

    Mille Lacs and those who depend on it will be only the first in a long line of people to lose out.

    Dennis Anderson • [email protected]

    Two Harbors, MN
    Posts: 3907

    More black cloud news, that article aught to bring business rushing to the lake.

    Agreed it is not a good situation and political power is all that will save it (just as it got us into the mess) but preaching doom and gloom all the time is sure to help crash local economy.

    IGH, MN/Holcombe, WI
    Posts: 587

    I don’t have alot of experience on Mille Lacs but I agree. My experience has only been a few ice trips with friends. The next time we go somewhere, I would really like the opportunity to keep fish. Last year we caught around 15 fish every single one was too big. It is fun to catch but that isn’t the only reason we go. That may mean driving another hour but it might be worth it in the future. I think when the casual angler or tourist or even every weekend angler goes on a fishing trips they want to be able to take some of their catch home. If a lake doesn’t allow that they will go elsewhere.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13390

    So is this lack of tourists effecting the casino up there to?

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928

    It sounds like the plan to replace the thousands of walleye anglers, with bass fisherman, is not working He hit it right about the lack of “backbone” in our leaders, US Gov’t and Tribal. All this so a couple hundred blue eyed natives can come from hundreds of miles away and net the lake for a couple weeks a year and sell their catch… yes “sell it”… they ain’t doing it for their health and certainly not as a tradition.

    Posts: 556


    So is this lack of tourists effecting the casino up there to?

    lol….drove by last night….although not completely full, was amazed at how “full” it was…evidently “slots” are good for business on other side of the road.

    Posts: 40

    So are you saying that the fishery is on its way down because 1)the walleyes are TOO BIG and 2)you cannot eat the fish you catch?

    I may be misunderstanding your post, but if that is the case I say keep it coming! You can fish the other thousands of lakes in the state to attempt to catch eater walleyes, and on mille lacs or any nearby lakes you can find abundant panfish that are delicious in the fry pan. IMO if you have a resource with incredible fish, a true fisherman will appreciate it with or without the opportunity to eat them. I would much rather catch big fish I have to release than see the walleyes get smaller (and then progressively less numerous as more get eaten). I am 19 so have minimal exp, but 3 of the 4 biggest walleyes of my life came on Mille Lacs ice fishing for ONE WEEKEND last winter and i wouldn’t have traded a single one of those memories for a 17 in eater i chase around all summer. .. sorry for the long post, not attempting to be rude.. just my honest opinion.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928

    You said it, your 19…. So round up your thousands of buddies and head up every day, to catch and release a few… just hit the bait store and resorts while your there & problem solved. (this about so much more than catching and keeping fish)

    Sioux City IA
    Posts: 3974


    So are you saying that the fishery is on its way down because 1)the walleyes are TOO BIG and 2)you cannot eat the fish you catch?

    I may be misunderstanding your post, but if that is the case I say keep it coming! You can fish the other thousands of lakes in the state to attempt to catch eater walleyes, and on mille lacs or any nearby lakes you can find abundant panfish that are delicious in the fry pan. IMO if you have a resource with incredible fish, a true fisherman will appreciate it with or without the opportunity to eat them. I would much rather catch big fish I have to release than see the walleyes get smaller (and then progressively less numerous as more get eaten). I am 19 so have minimal exp, but 3 of the 4 biggest walleyes of my life came on Mille Lacs ice fishing for ONE WEEKEND last winter and i wouldn’t have traded a single one of those memories for a 17 in eater i chase around all summer. .. sorry for the long post, not attemptina to be rude.. just my honest opinion.

    Although you have the proper attitude of the true sporting fisherman the average family looking to spend their money on a vacation will want to keep walleye. Sometimes things have to hit rock bottom to learn a lesson.(Red Lake) I know the casino isn’t hurting, It’s the businesses who count on tourism who are paying. Let’s hope something can be done sooner rather than waiting for a politician to actually grow a spine

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13390

    It surprises me that so many people are turned off by catch and release fishing to but I see it every time out on pool 2 of the Mississippi river. Complete lack pf fishing pressure int he heart of the metro. I would bet on any given day there are 10 times as many boats or more on pool 3 or 4. People drive farther to these pools just for a chance to keep a fish.

    Now throw on top of that all the negative press mille lacs is getting and its not hard to see why the local businesses are doing so poorly. Tourists go places they can relax and forget about life’s troubles. Nice, happy places. That is not mille lacs right now. At least that the impression I get.

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908


    So are you saying that the fishery is on its way down because 1)the walleyes are TOO BIG and 2)you cannot eat the fish you catch?

    I did not say that, but do agree with Dennis Anderson on the topic.

    All is fine in your big fish world right now. Tell me what happens in 4-5 years when those fish are gone and there are no fish to replace them? The alams bells are ringing loudly and no one is listening!!


    Pete Bauer
    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 2599


    Tourists go places they can relax and forget about life’s troubles. Nice, happy places. That is not mille lacs right now. At least that the impression I get.

    Maybe – I’ve been going up the last few weekends and it’s been extrememly relaxing. No lines at the boat ramp and many times there are no boats for miles around me. We’re not only catching lots of BIG 26″+ fish but just this last weekend we had 3 ‘keeper’ slot fish as well. Some fish under 18inch and many 21-24 inch fish as well. I’m seeing lots of perch in shallow while launching the boat too – it’s quite apparent as the walleyes we’re catching now were quite fat for this time of year.

    Go up and enjoy it for what it is, not for what it was. I have so much fun up there it pulls me off the river, which rarely happens.


    Posts: 30

    Mike – if pool 2 was not close to you, would you put in the time and expense to fish it that much? I live close to Wabasha, and catch & release most all fish from lower pool 4 and 5. Mille Lacs isnt even on my radar any longer due to the expense of such a trip and lack of opportunity to keep fish if ‘going out of town’ for a weekend / vacation.

    Posts: 170

    yes “sell it”… they ain’t doing it for their health and certainly not as a tradition. could not of been said better Big G. I will never understand why they continue to let this happen.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928

    This past spring at the casino, I seen/heard a walleye dinner was $14.99 and you could save $3 by being a Member of some club… years past it was anywhere from $6.99 to $8.99 for anybody who walked in…??? Why ???

    SE Metro
    Posts: 254

    So would you rather have them publish an article that promotes the further “fleecing” of anglers and the general public in MN and surrounding states?

    I say lay it out there, just like the article did.

    At least when it crashes we don’t have to hear about it anymore.

    Will Roseberg
    Hanover, MN
    Posts: 2121

    For what it’s worth I think the article does a pretty fair job of pointing out the current situation.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13390


    Mike – if pool 2 was not close to you, would you put in the time and expense to fish it that much? I live close to Wabasha, and catch & release most all fish from lower pool 4 and 5. Mille Lacs isnt even on my radar any longer due to the expense of such a trip and lack of opportunity to keep fish if ‘going out of town’ for a weekend / vacation.

    No. I would most likely go to the next closet quality walleye fishery. If pool 2 had all the negative press mille lacs does it may sway me to go fish else where to.

    Im sure your not alone Pete. Most likely plenty of guys enjoying those short lines at the landings and plenty of open places to fish on the lake. Enjoy it while it lasts. Giver that lake 10 years or so and it might just flip around again.

    Posts: 7348

    Soooo back to the original post of our politicians lacking a pair in dealing with this situation, how much can be blamed on sponsors. I hate to come off as the hate everything money kind of guy, , but the way I see it from even the earliest of times us common folk always had some type of “bigger” voice for us to go to, to try and get them to speak on out behalf who might have a little more pull, a lil more “respect” as you will to give some pull. Nowadays all our “bigger” voices in the fishing community are swallowed up by sponsors, and giving how freaking sensitive everyone is nowadays and how the media sensationalizes everything, how many of these voices that you think should speak up and take a stand, don’t? Big business will pick them apart and they know that, so they don’t even bother. We can name a few high profile names right now who started off fishing Mille Lacs to jumpstart their careers, and do you think we could get them to stand in front of us, mobilize some of the fenceline anglers who care for the lake but just don’t see how an average Joe can do it alone? We know how people jump on the bandwagon if its got a big name tied to it. Celebrities do it all the time for AIDS in Africa or some starving kids in some 3rd world country elsewhere. Oh but that’s right, its not controversial and they don’t need sponsors BC they are filthy rich themselves.

    Posts: 331

    So it’s not the DNR’s fault after all.

    Posts: 214

    I do think it’s a bit odd that Mr. Anderson makes the assumption that it’s “dumb” to fish for walleyes that you can’t eat. I don’t begrudge anyone who chooses not to fish the lake (they have LOTS of good reasons to do so), but it seems a bit funny to call people like me dumb because we still love fishing the lake and catching all those big fish. If a guy fishes for a meal, great….obviously people know that ML isn’t the place to do that. But if guy fishes for fun–and big fish–ML seems like a very smart place to do that.

    Just my .02.

    Posts: 184

    Since when has getting politicians involved fixed anything.

    North St Paul
    Posts: 392

    has anyone heard how the allowable catch #’s are..if/when the lake shuts down people might stand up..this site has a regular contributor fellgery (sp?) who did stand up to be counted and has asked for some minor contributions from us to help..the issue started with the courts and can only be solved through the courts

    Posts: 214


    Since when has getting politicians involved fixed anything.

    September 1952

    Posts: 68

    why doesnt the tribe and DNR start stocking the pond before it has a total collapse. Seems to make sense to me,worked on red and leech

    Posts: 68

    why can’t the DNR and tribe start a stocking program before a total collapse. Makes sense to me it worked on red and leech.

    Apple Valley/Isle, MN
    Posts: 614

    The tribe wants to destroy the lake. They want the resorts to go bankrupt so they can buy them up at a deep discount. They have seen what happened on Red: destroy the fishery and the MN DNR will spend $$$ restocking the lake.

    David Anderson
    Dayton, MN
    Posts: 536


    The tribe wants to destroy the lake. They want the resorts to go bankrupt so they can buy them up at a deep discount. They have seen what happened on Red: destroy the fishery and the MN DNR will spend $$$ restocking the lake.

    I don’t know if I’d go that far. There are plenty of examples where the tribe has backed away, Izaty’s for instance. Also, the Supreme court ruled against putting acquired land outside the reservation in trust and are required to pay property taxes to the applicable county. Even at bargain prices, the assessments of substantial lakeshore requires cash flow. Eddy’s cost the tribe $32,000/year in taxes, and although the Hotel gives them capacity and granted 32 g’s isn’t much but it starts to add up. I’m not naive but I suspect the current situation does little for them, not that they want to change it, however.

    Posts: 65

    the lake doesn’t need more walleyes. It cant support the walleyes it has. Look at the current state of the fish. Terrible. I would assume Erik Jensen or one of the fisheries guys has some ideas, but they don’t seem to share on this board.

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