• walleyeben
    Posts: 963

    Dispite the gusts exceeding 30mph yesterday we decide around noon to head for the big pond. We were not disappointed to say the least. Hitting the water with a pretty good idea of where the fish were gonna be set up for this time of year we blasted straight to the spot and after a bit of scanning around and battleing the wind we were able to find where the fish were hanging. The wind had blown balls of bait up into 10 to 14 fow in a sandy weedy area. TONS of bait. curious as to what the balls were I dropped a camera on them, it took 4 drops of the camera before I could get a good visual on them. HUNDREDS of slender silver minnows, shinners I presumed but possibly young Tullies. We rigged leeches which turned one bite, we rigged minnows which turned 1 bite but by far the goto was a jig. Color didnt seem to matter much, just how you presented the bait. We had a couple pass the 27 mark but the majority of the fish were 20 to 25 inches, tons of 22 to 24 inchers. Also got to “bonus” keepers lol! All totaled from 2 to 10 pm we boated well into the 40s for numbers with multiple doubles and even 2 close calls on triples. Alot of the fish appeared to be in great shape but there was a few skinny ladys in the mix. Water temps were 52 to 53 from what I saw. Wont be long now and I will be moving to the mud!

    Posts: 9321

    Judging by the pics, the wind laid down. Way to them.

    Posts: 963

    about 8 is completely died, took um about 12 minutes to find out how to tweek the presentaion to trigger the bite, but id say it was almost better without wind amazinly, i thought we were sckewed when it died, NOPE!

    Posts: 109

    Nice Report Look At That Bait Ball On Th Locater In The First pic

    Sioux City,IA
    Posts: 874


    Wont be long now and I will be moving to the mud!

    translation=shore fishing??

    Makes it all worth it when you strike piggies like that

    Posts: 3681

    Nice,that’s a great picture of Tim.

    Steve Vick
    New London, MN
    Posts: 428

    Nice looking fish!!

    Posts: 963

    and the BEAT goes on, 8 fish under 20 tonite! Well into the 40s again in just under 6 hours. Gotta love a “struggling” fishery that can produce like that! In under 12 hours of fishing the last 2 dayswe have boated 5 fish over 27, but no 28s, makes a guy wonder how many of those big girls get knifed!

    Oakdale, MN
    Posts: 1189

    Any eyes hit jig and plastics Ben? Or do they just want bait.

    Posts: 756

    No, not many 28’s get knifed. The facts are with the lack of abundent food there are not many walleyes over 28″ in the lake. I will catch 30 – 40 over 27″ for every 28″ I catch. And the ones that are caught weigh an average of 7 lbs. Old skinny fish. Just review the “legal” over 28″ fish caught at all the tournaments over the last 10 years.

    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6100

    Nice job Ben! That magic 28+ inch mark is tough to come by. I’ve never kept track but I’m guessing for every over that we caught last year (19 of them) we probably caught 10 between 27-28.

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