Resides on the North Shores of Mille Lacs--guiding on Farm Island these days
Posts: 1294
March 20, 2013 at 8:46 am
IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » Minnesota Lakes & Rivers » Mille Lacs Lake » SAVE MILLE LACS SPORT FISHING
The donation page doesn’t appear to be working correctly. You can fill out all the data but then there’s no place to actually submit a payment. I tried to do my part!
The donation page doesn’t appear to be working correctly. You can fill out all the data but then there’s no place to actually submit a payment. I tried to do my part!
I have no problems sending a check instead, but I also would like to post this to my fishing page on FB and want to make sure the donations page is working properly before I post.
Another thing you might want to have your web guy take a look at before I share a link on FB is that in FB it looks like it actually creates a link pointing to something called protectmarriagemaine.com
The website guy says there was a “security glitch” with some people/computers and it should be fixed now. Please try again. I had troulbe at first too but now it worked fine for me…THANKS!
Thanks for bringing that to my attention. I made them aware of that and hope they can fix it!!
THANKS! We need Facebook!
I noticed the same thing as Will when i was trying to post to Facebook.
I think that we could get some more people on board if a Facebook page was made that people could “Like” or “Share”. Just a suggestion, like Steve said we do need Facebook…………..
The is being fixed–we hope. It is on the Facebook cache end I guess–whatever that is.
The is being fixed–we hope. It is on the Facebook cache end I guess–whatever that is.
It’s fixed… Thanks Steve!
3 words…”it’s the nets”
I wrote the following two years ago in the StarTribune. “now” is even more meaningfull in 2013!
This report seems to end the speculation regarding the “if” the netters will be on lake the after the Opener.
Here is your chance to help— and be a part of making a difference. Nothing can or will be done until this effort is funded.
Donation sent. Thanks for all you’re doing Steve!
Thanks Shawn!!
Gill-nets are stretched from Doc’s Resort all the way west to the Wealthwood access this morning–from last night.
“targeting perch” with the same mesh size. LOL
Time for everyone to stop being in denial and back your concerns for the lake with real $$. Simply–if ALL who have a concern for the well-being of Lake Mille Lacs invests at least $25, the process of fixing the lake can begin. Talk and complaining about it won’t fix a thing without your investment.
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