Resides on the North Shores of Mille Lacs--guiding on Farm Island these days
Posts: 1294
February 23, 2013 at 10:37 pm
IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » Minnesota Lakes & Rivers » Mille Lacs Lake » In the news at Lake Mille Lacs
Great read.. What would you think of a limit of 2 with a 2 inch slot?
I have no idea if the “rumors” are accurate. If they are, and two bigger fish are keepable, I see the quota being reached, easily, by the middle of July or earlier. If that rumor were to hold up, the harvest in pounds would be much greater than last years 4 under 17″. Most didn’t get 4 under 17″ and when they did, the 4 added up to about 5.5-6lb.s at best. The limit last year almost impossible to get after the first 3 weeks of the season. With two bigger fish allowed, that add up to at least 5-6 pounds or more, and the potential greater to find and catch two bigger fish, the harvest would be BIGGER than last year–even with two fish limits. Most boats could take home 2 per anglers–easily. Launches would fill out. I can’t believe they would allow that big harvest in such a short time to happen…
What do I think? I hoped the lake ( walleye fishing)would be shut down–officially. How we accomplish anything by harvesting any fish at this stage of the game is beyond me. But that said, I assume whatever the DNR proposes, it will be, in effect, to shut things down. Either reaching the quota early or by setting a size limit that targets the small fish (say 14″-16″) that don’t exist. Then you only have mortailty rate like you had last year and the season might stay open all summer–with very few fishing the tight restriction.(that’s what we saw the last time we had the 14″-16″ limit)
Either way….it’s a mess that was created by gutless DNR reps and politicians that were and are gutless–not standing up to fight insanity–until it was too late.
Either way….it’s a mess that was created by gutless DNR reps and politicians that were and are gutless–not standing up to fight insanity–until it was too late.
X2 (sorry i took just this piece out of your context, but it strikes the right cord!)
As much as it sucks for the lake, the community and the businesses – shut it down. The lake should be catch and release only for a year maybe 2 or 3 years.
I feel bad to even say this because I know what it will do to the businesses and the community. However, it is the right thing to do. I could care less about keeping fish but I will miss the tourney’s. However, it needs to be done.
Go catch and release only for 2 to 3 years
Shut down the netting during the spawn
Keep doing what we are doing and it is Red Lake revisited.
I don’t think anything gets resolved if netting still happens during the spawn and on top of it we start taking bigger fish out of the system. Things would go from bad to worse.
What in the hell ever happened to common sense?
Just my 2 cents
Either way….it’s a mess that was created by gutless DNR reps and politicians that were and are gutless–not standing up to fight insanity–until it was too late.
X2 (sorry i took just this piece out of your context, but it strikes the right cord!)
Any action taken to shut the lake down is a mute point if they continue to net during the spawn.
Any action taken to shut the lake down is a mute point if they continue to net during the spawn.
I agree! If the sport anglers have to be shut down, officially or by impossible rules, the Tribal regime should be too.
Today–from a U.S. Supreme Court Justice and echoed by several others–“laws run their course–times change”.
Don’t ever think for a heartbeat this treaty rights stuff can’t be changed and or go away all together!
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