The Mille Lacs situation by the numbers

  • Will Roseberg
    Hanover, MN
    Posts: 2121

    This is a couple days old but I haven’t seen anyone post it yet. This article in Star Trib by Doug Smith seems to lay out the situation pretty well…

    Star Trib Article

    2013 Quota ~ 179,000 lbs
    Hooking mortality in 2012 = 136,000 lbs
    Estimated ice fishing season catch starting Jan 1st = 20,000 lbs
    Remaining allocation for 2013 open water season – 23,000

    Looking at these numbers it’s hard to come up with a scenerio that doesn’t involve a good part of the year year being catch and release only on Mille Lacs. It scares me to wonder what percentage of business Mille Lacs resorts and local businesses will lose if that’s the case.

    How many here will still go even if it were catch and release only?

    Posts: 9311

    Would it be catch and release or closed completely to fishing?

    Pete Bauer
    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 2599


    How many here will still go even if it were catch and release only?

    I would

    The Shores of Lake Harriet
    Posts: 2043

    Will – I agree.

    This is very tough news for an area that needs the traffic.

    Most meat hunters will not go to Mille Lacs for catch and release only. Long drive and people like to eat walleye.




    I’d still fish it and support the local economy.

    I don’t keep many fish from Mille Lacs anyways so catch and release wouldn’t have an influence on me personally. I’d also like to think that I take the proper precautions to avoid hooking mortality as much as possible, not to put further strain on the resource.

    Will Roseberg
    Hanover, MN
    Posts: 2121


    Would it be catch and release or closed completely to fishing?

    I certainly hope not. Catch and release only will really hurt resorts, especially ones that rely on launch trips, but most will survive at least a few years of it. Just one year completely shut down would probably be a death blow to many if not most of the resorts up there.

    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    Maybe it needs to be all catch & release? Maybe the resorts and businesses around the lake need to suffer? Maybe that is the only way the politicions & media will pay attention to whats going on up there.

    Remember, nobody cared about Red Lake until it was netted dry and then had to be restocked.

    Angler II
    Posts: 538


    Would it be catch and release or closed completely to fishing?

    If hooking mortality accounts for over 100,000 lbs then they couldnt possible keep the season open for C&R only. I will however fish smallies and muskies….

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    This situation has come close to happening in the past. If anglers exceed quota, the DNR would be forced to close the lake. C&R would not be allowed simply because of release mortality. Mortality is calulated into current harvest limits.


    The "IGH"...
    Posts: 2092

    I am by no means a “meat hog” but I like to catch walleyes and keep a few for the pan (my kids love em’!). If I have a choice to spend my limited time on a lake that I can keep a few and a lake where everything goes back I’ll fish the lake where I can keep a few…

    Just my opinion and I really hope for the sake of the resort owners/bait stores and the such that it doesn’t come to that…

    We all knew this was a broke sysytem they were using on Mille Lacs. Now it’s starting to prove that we were right. Sad…

    Drew Engelmeyer
    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 359


    How many here will still go even if it were catch and release only?

    I would

    blaine mn
    Posts: 1116

    I will but there goes all the tournaments…

    Will Roseberg
    Hanover, MN
    Posts: 2121


    I will but there goes all the tournaments…

    I fished an AIM series event a few years ago as a co-angler and loved the CPR format. I’ve never understood why no local tournaments on Mille Lacs would try to move to this format.

    Will Roseberg
    Hanover, MN
    Posts: 2121



    Would it be catch and release or closed completely to fishing?

    If hooking mortality accounts for over 100,000 lbs then they couldnt possible keep the season open for C&R only. I will however fish smallies and muskies….

    They couldn’t if we actually get to the the quota. I expect that they will factor in an estimated hooking mortality from the get go so that there was enough margin left to allow for mortality as a result of catch and release only for the remainder of the season. Heck, it might even start out catch and release from opening day. One thing to consider however is that the angling pressure would go down dramatically if it goes to C&R resulting in a lower hooking mortality number.

    Very interested to see how the DNR plays their cards on this one.

    Posts: 1040

    I doubt I’d go. I just returned from my first ice fishing trip to Mille lacs. I’m about 3 1/2 hours away. Figured I’d try it. Had fun with my son. We caught 6 beautiful walleye, all 20 inches or bigger, biggest was 26. All released of course. That was it in terms of walleye caught. Can’t complain in terms of catching/fun, but if I’m driving 3 hours sorta be fun to have a couple to take home for the family, too. I hope they work something out. I’m sure it’d hit resorts etc. pretty hard.

    Posts: 1054

    Very sad for the resorts. I have seen 1st hand what reducing limits does to resorts. I have a cabin in NW WI in 1987 spearing started. On the 2 lakes I can boat to in the chain of lakes there were 7 resorts in 1987. Limits were quickly changed from 5 walleyes and the customers disappeared. Currently we are blessed with a generous 2 walleye limit. 1 under 14 inches 1 over and we are down to one resort that is pretty much shuttered down. I expect after a couple years Mille Lacs may face similar resort closure except that I think they may be get bought out by the Band and reopened and the netting may stop. I hope cool heads prevail and it gets sorted out.


    Ramsey, MN
    Posts: 4082

    I would still fish there if it were catch and release. I fish Pools 2,3, and 4 of the Mississippi a dozen times per year and never keep fish.

    Majority of my days on Mille Lacs are spent pre-fishing or fishing tournaments. If it goes to catch and release, I will fish tournaments on other lakes instead. I would also be in favor of a CRR tournament on Mille Lacs. I know one resort is already looking into it, so hopefully this will push them to make it happen.

    I will not support any shutting down of the lake or catch and release if the netting can still happen in the Spring.

    Andover, MN
    Posts: 133

    I go up there to catch big fish,
    if I get to bring a couple home,
    it’s an added bonus!

    Spirit Lake, IA
    Posts: 124

    We are still going up for our annual week stay. We are 6 hours away and still going. We go for big walleye, as well as smallies and muskie.
    I fish at home (Okoboji and Spirit) and South Dakota for the table.

    Chris Meisch
    Ramsey, MN 55303
    Posts: 720

    This whole thing absolutely MAKES ME SICK TO MY STOMACH. Literally ill!
    I have a cabin up at the pond and fishing the lake is my pashion and how I choose to use my free time. Red was shut down for years, and it sickens me to even think that could happen.
    I realize there are many contributing factors.

    However, common sense would tell anyone: STOP NETTING DURNING THE SPAWN. That has to be the number one priority!

    I rarely keep fish anyway unless the people in my boat want to take some fish home, Otherwise it is always catch and release for me any how. Needless to say I would still be out there most weekends.

    It pisses me off I probably won’t get to fish the MTT events on the pond this year. I was going to fish all five of them and was really looking forward to it. However, I also realize we will ALL have to give a little to let the lake recover. I will still fish the events if they are moved, but that is one example of how money will go else where. We will be spending our money at another lake and in another community.

    I feel for the local businesses and I will certainly be there spending my money. Unfortunately not everyone will have the same mind set and will no doubt go else where.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13402



    How many here will still go even if it were catch and release only?

    I would

    Me to. Wasnt it basically catch and release for a good part of last summer? Over and over again you heard of not being able to find any keepers. So what the difference?

    Posts: 4941

    Thinking outside the Box

    I am at a loss for words about this; this is truly a sad picture. I sit here and read about its impending doom as if she is on a death bed and I will never have the pleasure of fishing her again. Despite all the gloom, this lake has had many ups and downs, and it has the potential to recover. The lake is going to need assistance this time around, and now is not the time to abandon it. It will need all of those who have utilized its resources to pitch in and help. What ever it is that each individual feels what they can do to help, needs to be done.

    To think that all my life I have heard the many fascinating stories of this lake. My favorite read was compilation of Joe Fellegys; The Early Bird Resort stories. I wish I would have had the pleasure of joining him on one of those launches.

    I am the fortunate Grandson of a man who spent many summers on a lake just north of Malmo. My Grandfather; through his undying loyalty to this little piece of shoreline and cabin that he owned; would curse the thought of anyone who would venture a fishing trip to Mille Lacs.

    As a child I spent many trips up to Grandpas’ cabin passing through the towns of Isle and north through Malmo, peering out the windows of our station wagon, trying to get a glimpse of the great lake as we passed. The entire time hoping that this would be the weekend that Grandpa and Dad would drop the bass fishing gear and take me out fishing on Mille Lacs.

    My thirst for walleye fishing was kick started on my Grandpas little gem of a lake. And that thirst would only grow as I would read about and here about the stories of the walleye fishing on Mille Lacs. My hope was that someday I would be able to convince Dad and Gramps to take me there.

    Once we would arrive at Grandpas cabin, I would start my quest by helping get everything unpacked, take care of the simple chores, cut the grass when I was allowed, all in the hope that it would create a window of opportunity to finally go and fish off one the Mile Lacs Lake launches. Then finally, one summer Friday night my persistence paid off. Gramps, Dad, and I were headed down to Fishers resort first thing in the morning. I was about to head out on the lake, out on the water, and actually catch a 10 lbs walleye, the anticipation gave me chills. We did not catch that 10 pounder we only caught a few walleyes; to “Gramps delight” lol; as for myself I was thoroughly thrilled and from that moment on. It started a passion that carries on today.

    Now here I am today 53 years old, living with a passion that was started by My Father and Grandfather Still chasing that Mille Lacs Lake 10 pounder. I have a nice walleye rig, all the new gear and all the new gadgets. I believe that both of them, no longer here anymore, still enjoy watching me continue the chase.

    I am a grandfather myself now and I hopefully and truly believe that I have passed this passion on to my own family through the many weeks and weekends that my family has spent on Mille Lacs. We will continue on fishing the lake with the hope that someday if it is not me, it might be one of my children or grandchildren who have had the fortune of enjoying this lakes resources.

    Now I have a new quest to pursue not for myself this time, and not just for my family and friends. I hope that there is still a bright future ahead for Mille Lacs Lake. I hope that the opportunities that I have had, will continue for all those who wish to land a trophy, or a story so that they can carry it with them, and pay it forward.

    Well; I guess I was really not at a loss for words,


    Posts: 1054

    The problem is that many forget that if the quota is met whether it is hooking mortality or keeping fish the lake is closed to fishing that means no C&R so this is serious boys.


    Will Roseberg
    Hanover, MN
    Posts: 2121

    Well said Jeff. I can feel your passion and love for the lake. My first walleye fishing experience was on a Fisher’s launch as well and not only that but the Fisher “kids” who now run the resort are some of my closest friends. My greatest fear is not that the lake itself will be ruined (it won’t) but rather that the decisions made over the next few months or even years will have an unreversable affect on not just some of my closest friends back home in Malmo but also every other resort on the lake. Just as the farm I grew up on is such a huge part of me these resorts represent the individuals who have put so much effort into making them successful. It would absolutely break my heart to see even one resort go under due to the loss of business caused this mess.

    Will Roseberg
    Hanover, MN
    Posts: 2121


    This whole thing absolutely MAKES ME SICK TO MY STOMACH. Literally ill!

    Me too Chris. On Monday when it was annouced Suzy texted me to see if I had heard yet and it actually gave me a headache thinking about what this might do to the resorts.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13402

    Maybe they should be thinking about putting some crappie cribs in Mille lacs. Let the walleyes crash and bring on some big crappies.

    The Big Pond
    Posts: 478


    Maybe they should be thinking about putting some crappie cribs in Mille lacs. Let the walleyes crash and bring on some big crappies.

    Let the walleyes crash in one of North America’s premier walleye fisheries? I can’t say I agree with this. Can’t you catch your pan fish somewhere else?

    Colorado Springs, CO
    Posts: 1316

    Scary stuff and its only going to get worse before it gets better. I am sooo glad we didn’t purchase a cabin up there a few years ago. I feel terrible for lake shore owners and businesses that have to deal with these issues and have a lot more to lose.

    Posts: 3

    Here is my opinion and i have wrote this on other sites, the State of Minnesota is going to have to start opening up State run casino’s to make this issue go away. Casino’s in Iowa have to donate a certain percentage back to non profits and schools. All good causes! The tribes like their money way more than their right to net walleyes. This issue would go away if you talked about opening a State run casino on the East side.

    Posts: 4941


    Here is my opinion and i have wrote this on other sites, the State of Minnesota is going to have to start opening up State run casino’s to make this issue go away. Casino’s in Iowa have to donate a certain percentage back to non profits and schools. All good causes! The tribes like their money way more than their right to net walleyes. This issue would go away if you talked about opening a State run casino on the East side.

    Ain’t happening…..A deal with the State has already been made….. No state run casino.

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