Open Landings?

  • Jami Ritter
    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 3066

    Thinking of making a final full moon run this weekend. Anyone know if/what landings are open or locked up?



    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22985

    Hey Jami !!! Hunters looks locked up , Red Door looks plausible ? But its only Tuesday too…

    Cove Bay Mille Lacs lake MN
    Posts: 1814

    cove bay, locked up with 2 inches of ice. i went out in front of my house monday afternoon and chopped a hole and measured it with a stanley tape measure. 80 yards of slush on the south end, mazzominee point to brants landing. over by rocky reef, it did look like it was starting to skim over. it was calm last night and was 14degs when i left for work at 0500 this morning so more ice may have formed . there was slush along the southwest side also. steve will have to give a report from the north end

    Posts: 4

    Hi Jami…

    I REALLY wish I could give you good news… both my “go to” launch sites are history for the year. Red Door… The harbor is most likely locked up by now. the view from the web cam is the winter access. I’m told, even during HIGH water, forget about launching anything there bigger than a 14′ row boat. Hunter’s… As you can see… Solid.

    I noticed the moon tonight on my way home… MAN!! I really wish I was on the water!!!

    PLEASE!!! If anyone knows where to launch, drop both of us a message!!!

    Colorado Springs, CO
    Posts: 1316

    Pike Point public on the west side is very likely doable and I bet Terry’s also would be an option. You might have to break some skim ice at Terry’s with the boat but shouldn’t be too tough.

    Grand Meadow, MN
    Posts: 3213

    Looks like I will be seeing you now on Sunday Dad!

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