Old schooling it at Mille Lacs

  • stuart
    Posts: 3681

    We tried fishing at night as we have in years past but the wind and weeds and leaves floating made for a frustrating night.
    So we broke out the bobbers and got some big suckers.Sure am glad we did.The last two days of our trip we hauled in nice fish one after another.
    We stayed at the Red Door and fished the north end reefs and weeds.With the water as clear as it is we would set the suckers down half of the waters depth.Mixed bag of eyes, smallies and northern. Here are some of the pics we got.

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 1383

    Bobber down! Nice fish Stuart!

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1394

    Great fish. The smallie in the third pic is a toad!

    Posts: 214

    Great report! There’s nothing like watching bobbers go down.

    Bob Schultz
    Posts: 774

    Nice fish! How’s the G3 tiller treating you?

    Posts: 3681


    Nice fish! How’s the G3 tiller treating you?

    I’m really liking this boat.Thought I might miss my windshield but so far havn’t and with my time spent mostly on smaller water I am happy I got it.
    Had so much fun last week I think another trip is in order next week.

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    Nice job Stuart! During the day no less! I am making a note to bring my corking rods for our full moon trip!

    Jack Naylor
    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 5668

    Nice looking mixed bag of fish

    St. Peter, MN
    Posts: 1283

    Great looking fish. I hope we find a few this weekend. PM sent to ya Stuart.

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