Holst and I were pulling lead off of 7 mile Thursday night, scouting for some future filming, and got into some pretty good fish. A few spots yielded nothing, but we ended up finding some fish suspended in 28-30FOW that cooperated. 7 fish in 45 minutes that night, and dozens the next day, almost entirely on a bait which is somewhat new to us. For those of you trolling right now or to be headed up soon, a TTM – Trolls-To-Minnow 15 in Silver Blue outproduced EVERYTHING at least 3 to 1. Holst saw some in a Fleet Farm clearance bin and lucky for us, he never buys less than two of the same bait/same color. It outproduced Thundersticks, Taildancers, and all the other usual suspects in every hue of the lure-color rainbow.
This fish was 28.5″, and several others in that pod were 26″ or better. Good luck out there!!!