Video from Mille Lacs 4/4/2012

  • lancew
    Posts: 65

    It is maddening to watch that video. It certainly seems that returning fish from nets is going to have high mortality, even with the cold water temps. And add in the 4 minute “release time”(nice job a–clown) and its a real mess. But I agree with pug. Sadly

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    Again, it is the gill net in my book. Does the treaty address gill netting?? I do not believe it does. Someone can correct me if I am wrong. If this practice is meant to supply food for their elders as is touted when they are confronted…Why not do it by hook and line? Ban the gill net! Cut off the head of the snake and the body will die.

    Resides on the North Shores of Mille Lacs--guiding on Farm Island these days
    Posts: 1294


    Again, it is the gill net in my book. Does the treaty address gill netting?? I do not believe it does. Someone can correct me if I am wrong. If this practice is meant to supply food for their elders as is touted when they are confronted…Why not do it by hook and line? Ban the gill net! Cut off the head of the snake and the body will die.

    But Chris and all…this is what the head of GLIFWC says (on video), after being asked “why not just buy the $150K worth of fillets with the Federal millions of $$ your entity gets and not be so divisive?” His answer? “We wouldn’t be exercising our rights if we did it that way.” Go figure…if it was about the food, they could buy the fillets, without the netting effort, from commercial vendors, for about 1 percent of the GLIFWC annual budget.

    So it ain’t simple. Or is it?

    Resides on the North Shores of Mille Lacs--guiding on Farm Island these days
    Posts: 1294

    In other words, this is an effort not unlike the whites pushing onto the blacks exclusive drinking fountains. Off limit seats on busses. Race based Diners and so on….

    This is exactly what the Bill of Civil Rights did away with isn’t it? And yet, it goes on in the 21st century–openly and without U.S. Gov. scrutiny.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22908


    As I understand it the bands are allowed up to 50% of the entire lakes quota, they just haven’t done it yet.

    Say’s who ??? Did the muskies in the video get weighed/counted ? And this is one boat that happened to be filmed… In my book, you do what they did and you are glutenous PIGS… no way around it

    Apple Valley/Isle, MN
    Posts: 614


    In my book, you do what they did and you are glutenous PIGS… no way around it

    Amen! I have never seen or heard of a group of people so destructive.



    In this age of technology, couldn’t we organize a large group of poeple to follow them around with cameras? Keep people at all the accesses with cameras rolling? I would be more than willing to give up some crappie fishing days to get more of this out for public consumption.

    Sign me up for this as well!

    Apple Valley/Isle, MN
    Posts: 614

    I’m on the east side of the lake and was up yesterday to have a new boat lift delivered. After the lift was installed, I went to the landing to put my boat in and then on the lift.

    When I got to the landing, I was the only one not there to net walleyes. I have to tell you that this IRISH guy looks as native american as 1/2 the “native american’s” there to slaughter walleyes. Anyway, when I started to back my boat into the lake a tribal CO walked behind my boat and stood there. I continued backing, but he just stood there… I paused about 15 seconds, he did not move. I got out of my truck and asked if there was a problem. He said, “no, I did not notice you backing in”. I got in my truck and he stood there. I got out of my truck with a camera and went to take a picture of him blocking the ramp and he moved….

    I am posting a picture. They place these nets so thick that it was actually pretty confusing to get to my dock without getting tangled in on. From the end of my dock, I could cast out and catch any one of 5 nets.

    Resides on the North Shores of Mille Lacs--guiding on Farm Island these days
    Posts: 1294


    Pug, there are plenty of tribal funded lawyers playing devils advocate. We don’t need one more. It is kind of the old adage, you take the good with the bad… the problem is, they take all the good of the treaty and our Constitution and leave the bad.

    Tribal lawyers are NOT funded by Tribal $$. They are paid with U.S tax dollars–solely.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22908



    Pug, there are plenty of tribal funded lawyers playing devils advocate. We don’t need one more. It is kind of the old adage, you take the good with the bad… the problem is, they take all the good of the treaty and our Constitution and leave the bad.

    Tribal lawyers are NOT funded by Tribal $$. They are paid with U.S tax dollars–solely.

    What exactly is the reasoning, of our government, our tax dollar, paying for a sovereign nations lawyers ? If this is the case, was it actually written into the treaties that we fight their battles against us, for them ??? WTF ??? Talk about a messed up deal and a messed up nation….(pick either supposed nation) For crying out loud, people need to learn to stand on their own two feet….

    Resides on the North Shores of Mille Lacs--guiding on Farm Island these days
    Posts: 1294

    Ask the guy who set up BIA. And then ask who does the accounting…the fox or the hen. Heck–The same $$ pay the netters and their expenses while they are here.

    In other words…you, the taxpayer, pays to have your own arse kicked.

    In the end, I predict someday the BIA will lead to the biggest financial scandal in U.S. Gov. history!

    Do you think the Tribal nations get more or less tax $$ since the Casino era has been in place? Use Mystic Lake or the Mille Lacs Band as key examples when you ask…

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22908

    Never really knew what the BIA was until recently. Did a little reading, basically it is an arm of our governement that gives them cash to “help themselves”…??? That seems like an oxymoron…or some kind of moronic system… I took a quote from “what they do”… it is copied below…

    How does the BIA carry out its mission?
    Today, in keeping with their authorities and responsibilities under the Snyder Act of 1921 and other federal laws, regulations, and treaties, BIA employees across the country work with tribal governments in the administration of employment and job training assistance; law enforcement and justice; agricultural and economic development; tribal governance; and natural resources management programs to enhance the quality of life in tribal communities. The following are just some examples of what we do:
    •We provide funding to and administer government program services for the federally recognized American Indian and Alaska Native tribes located in 34 states, and through them to their approximately 1.9 million members.
    •We work with tribes in the administration of approximately 56 million acres of trust land, and the natural resources therein, for the use and benefit of the tribes and individual Indians.
    •We maintain five law enforcement district offices nationwide to provide police protection and investigative services for both Indian and non-Indians living in Indian Country. We also directly operate or fund tribally operated law enforcement programs, courts, and detention facilities in tribal communities across the U.S.
    •We build and maintain thousands of miles of roads, as well as bridges, dams, and other physical infrastructure throughout Indian Country which benefit both Indians and non-Indians alike.
    •We work with other federal, tribal, state, and local emergency personnel in responses to wildland fires and other natural disasters.
    •We administer the Guaranteed Indian Loan Program to stimulate, increase, and sustain Indian entrepreneurship and business development in tribal communities.
    •We assist tribes in administering federal economic development and employment and training programs.
    •We administer BIA programs for tribes unable or who choose not to operate those programs.
    •We directly serve thousands of individual Indian trust beneficiaries by providing assistance in the probating of Indian trust estates, administering leases approved by the Secretary of the Interior, and performing other fiduciary duties.

    I particularly like the one where they brag about building bridges and roads on reservations, “which benefit both Indians and non-Indians alike”….. are they bragging that they built a bridge with my money and I can use it too ??? WTF ? Again, time to stand on your own two feet and not mine…

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100


    In the end, I predict someday the BIA will lead to the biggest financial scandal in U.S. Gov. history!

    If only we knew the half of what is given to the tribes each year. The only thing I know of that could rival this level of scandal within the US government is the insider trading our public representatives take advantage of each year.

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