Any open ramps on Mille lacs yet?

  • jon_jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    None of the lake cams would indicate ice out in the next 3 days.


    Amery, WI
    Posts: 1422

    Caution, Be very, very Quite! The Bad guys with thier Birchwood/Bark Canoes are probably out there lurking.

    Brian G
    Independence, MN
    Posts: 161

    Cove Bay is wide open. No buoys out yet, so be really careful out there. Parts of the reef are about 18 inches below water right now.

    Two Harbors, MN
    Posts: 3919

    Fortunately not the big ones…

    Isle- Thains river is open to mouth of bay. Most shore ice has pulled away, bay is locked up still.

    Wahkon- about half the bay is open to just past the marina. If the city landing was even deep enough to land a boat it is still iced over on this part. The marina would be your best bet, it looks wide open there.

    Cove- did not check

    Posts: 4941

    What happened to the Red Door web cam? anyone know?

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Jeff, they are moving it to it’s summer location I believe. Should be online again soon.

    Resides on the North Shores of Mille Lacs--guiding on Farm Island these days
    Posts: 1294


    What happened to the Red Door web cam? anyone know?

    Bobber is working it and hopes to have it running asap. Don’t know what is wrong…why it off.

    It will stay in place to watch ice-out and then move to the harbor ramp location for the summer.

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