• kooty
    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18101

    In my gut, I am fearful of what you say will come true. I feel we will run up against a wall of money and political power. My prediction is Mn will likely end up with a year round walleye season much like other states. If this case is dismissed, it will set a precedent allowing fishing out of season.

    I may not understand the case well enough, but this is my gut feeling.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22728

    Well said Dutchboy How many policies or laws would have been changed by doing nothing and not questioning hundreds of years old policies and laws ? Very few IMHO. The original treaties have been picked and pulled apart through the years as times and attitudes have changed. Those who choose to sit by and do nothing or even criticize those who dare to challenge ethnic specific rights, will also benefit from the hard work of others

    cannon falls, mn
    Posts: 91

    i hope they stop the netting and the sovern nation. and turn the casinos over to the state haha

    josh a
    Posts: 588

    I tried to looked up some info online to better understand what Steve may be up against. I saw that in early 90’s Native Americans were given similar rights in Wisconsin. Apparently though, in Wisconsin there was a huge uproar among fisherman and there were some pretty large protests at the boat landings used to launch boats for netting. We here have been very quiet for the most part. Is it possible to form a super massive protest at Mille Lacs this year? I think a huge protest would almost certainly make the news and raise awareness of this awful situation. I think as many people as possible should be made aware of this cause, that could only help Steve in court.

    Resides on the North Shores of Mille Lacs--guiding on Farm Island these days
    Posts: 1294



    In simple language, everyone, regardless of race or ethnic origin, will have the same rights in this country.

    What a simple concept, eh?

    Exactly James! And some day one 19.5″ walleye will play a major role in that concept! Bet on it……

    Posts: 15

    Thanks Steve for stepping up to the plate, hope you can hit’er out of the park, donation sent.

    Resides on the North Shores of Mille Lacs--guiding on Farm Island these days
    Posts: 1294

    After reading a small report on my case in Outdoor News today, there is a mis-statement written about it. In fact, I was NOT defending myself in court the past year–without legal counsel as reported. (the first appearance, before we launched any CASSTODAY efforts etc., I was alone in the courtroom, not “officially” being represented in person by the Erick Kaardal team.)

    I bring this up, to head off any appearance/accusations of the CASSTODAY efforts not being used as intended (I have zero access to any Trust $$, past, present and future). The reporter mis-understood what I told him about the “early on” portion but must have not heard or understood the rest of the story details.

    Sorry for any confusion! LOL

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Anyone following this would know it was an error. But thanks for posting for the people that are just learning about this.

    Resides on the North Shores of Mille Lacs--guiding on Farm Island these days
    Posts: 1294

    An ongoing THANK YOU to everyone who supports the effort CASSTODAY is putting forth on behalf of all of you!

    In the past two weeks, our Trustee that is in charge of accounting reports we have received about 60 donations. Those $$ are hugely appreciated. Is it enough? Hardly. That’s one percent of the anglers that will fish the lake on opening day…..

    Please, people, if you are against having gill-nets killng spawning walleyes at Lake Mille Lacs (and potentially on your favorite walleye lake in the future), taking 30,000 to 60,000 (that’s actual fish numbers, NOT just lbs.)walleyes from the lake before you get there, you need to be a $$ part of this effort.

    Click on the CASST link below and invest a $20 bill or more in the future of your Lake Mille Lacs fishing. If you complain about it, you need to be a part of fixing what you don’t like. This isn’t about me and a fish. This case is about YOU and YOUR fish.

    THANK YOU!! Let’s work together on this. Pass this effort and $$ need to everyone you know who fishes Lake Mille Lacs and to everyone who cares about equal rights to our natural resources in Minnesota and beyond. This effort needs you all!

    Resides on the North Shores of Mille Lacs--guiding on Farm Island these days
    Posts: 1294


    thunder wrote:

    Steve have you thought about doing a fundraiser where you could bring sportsmen together at a central location. Food, silent auction, or raffles???

    Use the time to meet and greet and inform people about what has brought us to this point and how you intend to try to put and end to it.

    There is alot of “charged up’ people that are getting behind you and showing support with their voices and money. Others remain skeptical about your ability to be successful.

    It is my opinion that you want these people to be as informed and educated not just about what CASST is all about but also about how we got here. The better informed the more united the cause will be. You dont need some uninformed, emotionally charged, person going rogue and trying to “help”…

    No doubt, that would be good to do. I simply do not have the time nor resources to put on a big enough event to impact things–if indeed an event would. It takes a lot of leg work to get raffle/silent auction items in place.

    No doubt, that if all the groups that raise $$ for their sportsmans clubs etc. offer help in this regard, it could be big. Walleye fishing club members from all over the midwest should be playing a supporting role in this. Countless $$ go to PERM. And after all is said and done, it’s not been back to court at any level until now via this CASSTODAY effort. Where are the PERM supporters on this?

    To be honest, I am embarrassed to have to come on here to raise $20 bills to help save Lake Mille Lacs walleyes and peoples rights. I truly never thought MOST Lake Mille Lacs fans wouldn’t help.

    That said, I highly doubt, after ALL the info on this subject that has been out there the past 20 plus years, especially via Outdoor News coverage, StarTribune blogs and articles, TV coverage and all the message boards, that most Lake Mille Lacs fans need any help learning what got us here.

    Anyone who needs to learn about this mess at Lake Mille Lacs has always been welcome to call me. Anyone who needs to learn about how these funds are used/managed etc. can feel free to ask as well. The terms of the CASSTODAY Trust have never been hidden.

    Again, thank you to everyone!

    Resides on the North Shores of Mille Lacs--guiding on Farm Island these days
    Posts: 1294

    Message I received…”Funny I was taught never to bite the hand that feeds you.

    The numbers might not be what you want but there has been many who have donated to the cause with blind faith.”

    I truly apologize to anyone who has helped and supported this if I have offended you with my words today. They surely were not pointed at you.

    As I have said, countless times, THANK YOU!

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18101

    You are NOT offending me Steve!!! I honestly can’t believe you aren’t getting 100’s of donations considering all the complaining that goes on each spring around this subject. I’ll continue to support you as often as I can.

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3498


    You are NOT offending me Steve!!! I honestly can’t believe you aren’t getting 100’s of donations considering all the complaining that goes on each spring around this subject. I’ll continue to support you as often as I can.

    X2 Steve.

    I’m also surprised there are only 60 donations. I think the old saying ‘Talk is cheap, it takes money to buy wiskey.’ is pretty fitting in this case.

    Mpls, MN
    Posts: 2895

    Maybe we can get a fund rasier going here??

    I have a Ultra Mag single stage reloading press I’ve been trying to sell.


    This thing is like new and lists for over $450.

    Somebody hand me a check for a $100 made out to the Stephen Fellegy’s Defense Trust (I think that’s what is needed) and

    I’ll give him the check and you the reloading press.


    Resides on the North Shores of Mille Lacs--guiding on Farm Island these days
    Posts: 1294


    Message I received…”Funny I was taught never to bite the hand that feeds you.

    The numbers might not be what you want but there has been many who have donated to the cause with blind faith.”

    I truly apologize to anyone who has helped and supported this if I have offended you with my words today. They surely were not pointed at you.

    As I have said, countless times, THANK YOU!

    After a few hours of digesting this above statement (about me biting hands), all I have to say to you is there is NO “hand” feeding ME here. I have zero access to zero $$. Never will. It’s never been about me…..nor has any of the $$ sent to CASST gone to me.

    The ONLY ones getting anything out of this effort are all of you. All I get is a headache and sleepless nights dealing with it–all on your behalf! In fact, I am insulted to think someone could think that way…that by coming on here and sending a message, I am biting anyones “hand”.

    Again, I thank everyone who has and will help. I’m doing all I can for you, your walleyes and your rights and proud to do so.

    John Schultz
    Portage, WI
    Posts: 3309


    You are NOT offending me Steve!!! I honestly can’t believe you aren’t getting 100’s of donations considering all the complaining that goes on each spring around this subject. I’ll continue to support you as often as I can.

    I don’t live in Minnesota and will most likely never fish there, but I donated anyway. Keep up the good work Steve.

    Resides on the North Shores of Mille Lacs--guiding on Farm Island these days
    Posts: 1294

    Thank so much!

    This effort and it’s goals reach far beyond Lake Mille Lacs walleyes. Heck, this effort even targets “free” license plates, no matter the value of the vehicle or the ability to pay of the owner, given to Native Amercians. In other words….if you buy an new Escalade or $55K diesel pick-up, and you are Native American, you can get by without the cost of the plates but use the road services we all have to pay for. Is the sales tax paid on it? How about the federal tax on the gas it burns? Good question??

    No…this is NOT about Native Amercians in need of Gov. help. It’s about taking advantage of our 21st century system–no matter the need–ALL based on color of skin/ethnic origin. “Selective Sovereignty” at it’s best!

    This effort reaches out on behalf of ALL U.S. citizins–no matter of ethnic origin. ALL anglers, no matter where they fish…….FOR EQUAL RIGHTS ON ALL FRONTS!

    Thanks again!

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22728

    The POW/MIA Hot Air Balloon team parks their trailers and Trucks at our dealership, so everyday on my walk into work, I see these words… and they remind me of what you Steve are doing and know I help when I can “SOME OF US ARE RAISING MORE THAN OUR VOICES”

    Mpls, MN
    Posts: 2895

    Pays to advertise, someone over on the Walleye central site just handed me a $100 bill for the reloader, thanks Jerry and I hope ya enjoy it, Steve there will be a check headed your way shortly.

    Easy way to contribute, get rid of something taking up space and help Steve out, anybody else want to try and help??

    If enough are interested, maybe the mods will let us start a separate topic????


    Resides on the North Shores of Mille Lacs--guiding on Farm Island these days
    Posts: 1294

    Way to go Allan!

    Remember…I’m just a figurehead in this. Your/my efforts are an investment in yourselves. An investment in protecting YOUR natural resources and YOUR rights as equal citizens. This is about us–NOT me.

    On behalf of everyone…THANK YOU Allan! Great example of how easy it is to make a difference!

    “There’s no I in team”.

    Now…who’s gonna make the next CASST?

    Resides on the North Shores of Mille Lacs--guiding on Farm Island these days
    Posts: 1294

    I have not heard why but I see my blogs are NOT available on the StarTribune website anywhere.

    LOL Maybe Tribal netting talk is off limits?? Maybe the DNR is crying ” get him off our backs?

    Posts: 9271

    Keep pushing. Most here are behind you. I’ll make another donation tonight.

    Mpls, MN
    Posts: 2895



    Mpls MN
    Posts: 2603

    Steve was on WCCO radio last night with Mike Max and RS broadcasting from the Sports show.

    It was short, sweet and to the point ..

    Good Job!

    About the 18 minute mark in the podcast! EDIT 18 minute mark of the 3rd half hour segment I beleive…


    Resides on the North Shores of Mille Lacs--guiding on Farm Island these days
    Posts: 1294

    Thanks for posting that link! I always wonder, when live, how it goes. No major “flubs” anyway! LOL

    Also…great to visit with many of you at the NW show! I truly am very grateful for everyone’s support. Together, we will prevail in reaching our goals. That being equal U.S. citizens–NOT based on race and ethnic origin–in every aspect of being a U.S. citizen.

    Stearns Co, MN
    Posts: 1

    Donation made.

    Keep up the good work.

    Resides on the North Shores of Mille Lacs--guiding on Farm Island these days
    Posts: 1294


    Donation made.

    Keep up the good work.


    We have only just begun to fight…..

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