The full moon is fun but …..

  • The_Bladepuller
    South end
    Posts: 751

    ..the dark of the moon (Oct 26th) might even be better. I think the average size is for sure bigger; but I’d be interested in what other experianced ML hands think.
    With the H2O temp dropping from 60 to 50 over the last week & no guarantee on weather in late Oct & early Nov I say go for it while the water is still warm enough to keep the Tulibees off the reefs. I have found when they are spawning that while you can still get some walleyes (BIG ONES! BTW)the bite can be spotty and your baits are constantly be fouled as it is mistaken for a love fish by horny Tullies.
    I took it easy in the wind, the waves were 3′ high under my lift, and rain this last weekend but I have put in plenty of hours trolling in big waves.
    A few thoughts & I hope others add input:
    The ML County bouys are pulled 1st week in Oct so the Bosier bros. can hunt out west. Don’t just run out there after dark with out scounting the areas you are going to fish. Mapping chips are good but in 3 footers it is best to know just how close you can get to the reef top with out using a prop or a skeg as a depth finder. I know this from experiance when my s. in law, who normally would take the helm, came to help me net a hog one windy night.
    If you are in rough water kneel and net your own fish so one person is on the helm at all times.
    Don’t fish alone. Not at this time of the year. I wear a survival suit. The muskie guy that went in the H2O a couple of years ago off Indian Point & was in the lake until he drift in to the weeds by Micky D’s the next spring, made me a believer. Even with someone in the boat to help you being in 50 degree water with an inflatable, my preferred flotation device, is problematic.
    Have every thing not needed in the boat stowed away.
    Have a plan for your hands so the are both warm and a way to dry them.
    Cameras are good. I have taken my best pictures by shining a pen light to illuminate the subject enough to find thing on the screen and then clicking. I’m picky about what I take a picture of because of the flash both blinding you for a while and it sure can get crowded in a hurry after a flash goes off.
    Respect ML. This is the best time to fish it & also other than getting run over by some yoyo when the 100:00 ban is on, the most dangerous. People talk about summer storms; been in plenty of them but the worst time I ever had was when I had a “clearance problem” in early Nov. I have a pair of waders in the boat even since that night when the water is below 60.
    Be safe and jab a piggie.

    Posts: 4941

    Great advice and very thoughtful..

    Thank you

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Couldn’t agree more about the full moon being good… but 5 days or so AFTER the moon being consistently better. The peak bite window does progress later into the evening with the later moon rise. If you can stick it out until 1 AM to 3 AM I always found that window to be the “magic hours” in my boat when fishing the back side of the full moon period.

    Iowa, Clinton
    Posts: 489

    good info

    Ham Lake,MN
    Posts: 60

    And there will be half as many boats, in some cases you may have most of the lake to yourself during the week.

    Rogers / Grand Rapids
    Posts: 561

    Good advice… Crossing my fingers for one last trip. I can’t get out until the Friday of Thanksgiving as I have a week in Spain to finish up grad school the first week of October and family stuff the two weekends after that Skipping 3rd weekend of hunting this year just to possibly get a shot. Might have to settle for Tonka or the St. Croix.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13448


    And there will be half as many boats, in some cases you may have most of the lake to yourself during the week.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Some of the best nights I’ve ever had, both for size and numbers, have been on nights with heavy, low cloud cover on the back side of the full moon in October. The nights weren’t terribly windy, maybe 10 MPH out of the NW, but the fish have always gone ape under those conditions… with zero visible moonlight. Definitely NOT your ‘classic’ night bite conditions.

    South end
    Posts: 751


    And there will be half as many boats, in some cases you may have most of the lake to yourself during the week.

    Thus the safety stuff. Trust me, it gets real lonely out there the end of Oct., on any night of the week on my end. St. Albans, Garrison, Myr Mar, etc. are different, but I only trailer when I have to. Because of the potential of a total lack of help I never shut off one outboard until the other is running, for example.
    James’ comment about the moon climbing higer in the sky is true, when ever there is moon, IMHO.
    Bottom line, don’t wait fish now. They are chompin’ & will for a awhile.

    South end
    Posts: 751


    Some of the best nights I’ve ever had, both for size and numbers, have been on nights with heavy, low cloud cover on the back side of the full moon in October. The nights weren’t terribly windy, maybe 10 MPH out of the NW, but the fish have always gone ape under those conditions… with zero visible moonlight. Definitely NOT your ‘classic’ night bite conditions.

    I couldn’t agree more. My best night ever was like this & all on a 1/3 mile stretch of rock.

    Posts: 963


    Couldn’t agree more about the full moon being good… but 5 days or so AFTER the moon being consistently better. The peak bite window does progress later into the evening with the later moon rise. If you can stick it out until 1 AM to 3 AM I always found that window to be the “magic hours” in my boat when fishing the back side of the full moon period.

    Me and Stuart will be hoping this pays true we had this same talk 2 weeks ago heading up wensday!

    Red Door 1
    North Shore Mille Lacs in Wealthwood
    Posts: 713

    The weather forecast looks great!

    We have lodging openings, both cabins and motel rooms, for the weekend. We look forward to another great weekend of fishing reports! Thanks!!

    South end
    Posts: 751

    47 degree water. I’d be acting now rather than hoping for a warm spell & waiting to Nov. 10th or so.

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