The Pond Last Night

  • clarence_chapman
    Hastings, MN Lake Isabel activist
    Posts: 1345

    The Chapman clan made their annual pigramage to the Pond last night. Chappy, Dad, And me in one boat and My son and friends in the other. Unfortunately Derrick could not make it this year. We arrived Red Door at about 3:30. Started trolling. Caught about 4 northerns before it got dark. 2 of which were 30″. Consintrated on the 5-10 ft range trying everything in the box. Finished about 12:00. Ended up with 4 about 23″ long one 15 inch and one 7″. Some good sized rock bass and one more northern after dark that was small.
    The winds died down for a couple of hours after dark but started up again about 10:00 pretty much out of the West. Didnt seem to be catching anything after that. Yep and even grilled vesion ka bobs out on the water. Love these pilgramages. Need to to a couple dayer one of these years.

    Jack Naylor
    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 5668

    Nice to get the family out on the water, even if the fishing is a little slow.
    How did Chappy hold up ?
    Did he let anyone catch any fish, or should I more corectly say, DID anyone let him catch any ??


    Hastings, MN Lake Isabel activist
    Posts: 1345

    We let him catch a couple of rock bass. He was a little frustrated. but he was a good captain and guide. Thanks Bro!

    Posts: 3681

    Sounds like Y’all had a great night!

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